Im usually quiet about just about everything because I feel like - TopicsExpress


Im usually quiet about just about everything because I feel like if I dont have a working solution to an issue I shouldnt really speak on it. But, right now, I simply cant understand how we all, me included can proceed on with life regularly without solving todays problems. Plus, I was recently told, and I quote, let your nuts hang. Everyone is looking for a hero and/or a leader when each individual collectively is this. Non of the people we called leaders did the things they did by themselves. And what pisses me off most is the majority of people are waiting for some celebrity to be that hero. Thats how much celebrities are idolized. Well, celebrities arent the ones in these streets getting murdered by the police right now. They are just people too, people with money and theyre trying to protect it(most of them). We, are the minority to them too really. Its okay though for them to protect their money but we cant even protect our most valuable asset, our lives! Then, as soon as this all completely dies down(if we let it) we go right back to being consumed by celebrities and their lives and social media. Saddest part is, people have already started doing it. Its not your fault entirely, I understand you cant help it. Try. Just try. Not to say all celebrities are bad, Im not bashing them, they are just people too, it is to say, they know what they value and they protect it, what do YOU value and how far and how much are YOU willing to do to protect it? I just know something huge and impactful and life changing needs to happen aside from marching, running, protesting, talking shxt, gossiping about what he/she did or said. Look at the facts. We are being dehumanized! Fact! The only fact that truly matters. They have never given a damn about us, and too many of us are actually becoming wealthy. That alone scares them. But, wether its a race thing or money/poverty or power thing(or all of the above), we are the victims and them the oppressor and its clear we need to protect us, be it peaceful or be it violent, but let it be intelligent, tactful, strong, forceful, wise, and most importantly beneficial to us the victims! To them we are expendable. What the hell do you think it matters to them if any or even all of us die? We have already been shown, it means nothing. If we dont care about our own lives enough to protect it, why the hell would they? They dont, and they wont and maybe never will. What they dont want us to do is turn what should already be our country into our country. Its still difficult for me to speak my thoughts like this, people are quick to shoot you down, your own people, for just speaking your mind on a topic in an effort to help or inform. Whats wrong with that is, we then began an argument amongst one another instead of channeling that energy to where it should be going. How can we change anything for the better for us if its us always fighting us?!?! We just love fighting ourselves. If you dont agree with each other, fine, talk it out like civilized human beings instead of always trying to one up each other, trying to sound smarter, or trying to make that person look or sound stupid. There are better ways, dont forget that person is still on your side at the end of it all the enemy will off you both or watch you off each other and not give a damn. And no, I personally do not know exactly what we should do to change things but I have lots of ideas to start. This social media thing is also in conflict with us actually coming together and organizing something real I believe. This is part of the reason why all we do is March and protest peacefully with no good outcome for us. We couldnt share a real plan online. For instance if we were actually going to do something not necessarily legal, it would be unwise to say the least, to attempt to organize it online, but you already know that. Even if we had a strong legitimate plan it would be unwise to alert the enemy of what that would be, giving them a head start on how to retaliate. As most of you know, Im usually a peaceful individual, and most people I know are as well, but all I can do is picture somebody bullying my family member, and them being unable to protect themselves from it, even getting hurt and suffering from it. Theres no way you not going to see my gangster come out, and thats what they are doing bullying my family, our family! Protect the family, and really protect life, understand that its lives being taken, like nothing, like its okay, like this is what the norm is, like any day now any one of us could walk out of here and never return because of some trigger happy officer, who is probably also racist, or probably just looks down on poverty stricken people, power hungry, or all. Whatever his reasoning there is no excuse for his actions and non preservation of life, no matter whose life! And after all of this writing me not knowing what to do or how to react is so frustrating. The one thing I do know is our sacrifices have to surpass just not shopping for Black Friday and all the other small things people are actually planning to act on. Those are cool, a start, but its like telling me, that for four days me and my children wont have food, thats tough, its gonna hurt, but in the bigger picture once day five comes we will be eating again! Everything will be alright and you didnt change anything, it all goes back to normal. We just suffered a few days. Please understand, I am not putting down any of the protest efforts, marching and running, I greatly admire it all, and I am emotionally effected by it. I love that people are becoming actively involved, what right do I have to put any of that down!? I didnt do any of it. I do want to do something, something besides think and write, something that will stop this blatant disrespect of our lives, or at least something that lets them know we do very much value our lives and whether they like it or not, they will too or face real consequences. I dont think that anything we are doing or have done so far lets them know that, and its clear the judicial system isnt doing it for us! Spice Hayes Tuesday, November 25, 2014 1:40 p.m. (Rough Draft) P.S. Just a thought/idea just popped in my head, but this Thanksgiving is a perfect time to do some organizing within our families. Everyone will be face to face. Wish I could say more but...yeah, I cant.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:27:08 +0000

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