Imagine. That person has been struggling for her/his better life, - TopicsExpress


Imagine. That person has been struggling for her/his better life, working hard to live, and try to make time for everyone life and put an effort towards everything, and sometimes even couldnt make time for another things that much more important for themselves. But why there must be people that even never try to understand and put themselves into that person shoes? Why sometimes people must be so selfish and cruel.... Why people must never care about that ones heart? Why people must be so particular to themselves, want to ease their lives only, but never try to think about another side.. Why people never try to bear in their mind that it is not so easy to live comfortably, unless you struggling towards it! People, you must remember. Sometimes you cant simply take a chance on people kindness. Remember the one that has been helping you through thick and thin. Oh, She/he might be left behind, but your must remember that one might be left because she/he always care bout people surround them including you and try to fulfill all request from everyone eventhough she/he dont have time for themselves! Dipetik dari katakata pujangga: Jangan berfikir untuk mendapat hidup yang senang sahaja, fikirlah untuk diberi kekuatan untuk hidup yang susah. Janganlah mudah membebankan orang lain yang memang mempunyai banyak beban dan tanggungjawab untuk hidup. Janganlah kita sesenang hati guna peluang yg diberi tu untuk diri sendiri dan tak pernah terfikir untuk menolong nya untuk meringankan beban dia. Manusia mungkin tidak akan memberitahu, tapi kita diberi akal yg cerdik, berfikirlah dan cuba selami andai kita di tempatnya. Jgn ingt org tu senang, dia tak pernah susah. Jgn ingt kalau diri tu susah, diri tu ingat dia masa diri tu senang. Try untuk hidup di paras yg sama, dan cuba tolong mnolong agar tiada yg rasa kecewaa dan hati terluka dan tiada yang rasa tidak dihormati hidupnya... Jangan rasa diri sendiri tu sentiasa betul sedangkan tak pernah cuba untuk bertoleransi.. Ingatlah pihak tu pon orang yg sama jugak dgn diri kita, so mungkin dia berusaha lebih sikit untuk hidup yg senang, mungkin bersusah payah utk mendapat sedikit kenikmatan, jgn kita sesenang hati guna tu sebagai alasan!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 07:24:19 +0000

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