Imperial Hotel, Cripple Creek, Colorado. USA Following the - TopicsExpress


Imperial Hotel, Cripple Creek, Colorado. USA Following the disastrous fire that razed most of the city in 1896, the Imperial Hotel was built to accommodate the many miners and visitors to the area. Located at 3rd Street and Bennett Avenue, the building was opened as the Collins Hotel, luring guests with modern amenities such as electric lights and steam heat. In the early part of the 20th century the hotel was run by an Englishman by the name of George Long. Having emigrated from Europe as a young man, he made his way to Denver, where he married his first cousin. Before long, the couple was running the hotel, focusing on service, comfort, and fine dining. The couple also began to have children – two daughters and a son. Perhaps because they were first cousins and too closely related, their oldest daughter, Alice, suffered from a severe mental disorder. As the girl grew older, she became more and more difficult to control, until her parents were finally forced to keep her locked in their apartment next to the lobby. Today, this is the site of the Red Rooster bar. Some time later, when George was going down the narrow stairs to the basement, he fell to his death. Though it very well could have been an accident, rumors began to abound that Alice had killed her father when he approached the top of the stairs, striking him in the head with a cast iron skillet. In 1948, the hotel introduced the Gold Bar Theater and the Imperial Players, who entertained guests for nearly five decades. Hosting the longest running melodrama theater in the nation, the historic venue continues to entertain patrons today during its summer theatre season. In 1992 the hotel added limited stakes gaming to its list of attractions and began operating as the Imperial Casino Hotel. The historic hotel is said to be haunted today by its former owner, George Long, who allegedly likes to flirt with the ladies and play the slot machines. Several night time security guards tell stories of how the ding-ding-ding of the slot machines and coins hitting the hopper are heard late at night after the casino has closed. However, when they check the casino floor, no one is there. Later, when the machines are checked for malfunctions, none are found. Guests, especially women, have often felt something or someone” touching them during the night. Another tale alleges that a chambermaid reported having her bottom pinched by an unseen hand. In the historic Gold Bar Theatre, evidently some of its melodramatic actors also have chosen to continue their act,” as today’s actors tell of feeling the presence of someone when in the dressing rooms or a touch upon their back. Evidently, the crazed” Alice also leaves her imprint” on the historic hotel. If staff leaves the door to the Red Rooster Bar closed, they hear the sounds of scratching on the other side of the door. Today, the Imperial Hotel and Casino continue to welcome guests to its Victorian accommodations that include antique furnishings, French wallpaper, and chandeliers; as well as dining in its two restaurants and enjoying the entertainment of the casino. Also situated in Cripple Creek is Buffalo Billys Casino. Long before Buffalo Billy’s became the casino that it is today, it was known as the Turf Club. Still, visitors can see at the top of this historic building, the carved letters spelling out Turf Club Room 1896. During Cripple Creeks mining days, several exclusive men’s clubs,” including the Turf, lined the streets of the burgeoning city. If was during this time, for reasons unknown, that the six year old spirit of a young girl took up residence in the building, and has remained there ever since. Known as Lilly,” the friendly little girl has sometimes been seen sitting on the stairs, cradling a rag doll in her arms. Looking incredibly real, an employee once asked her if she was lost, to which Lilly replied, No, I’m not lost, I live here.” When the employee left to get a security guard, the pair returned only to find the little girl gone. On another occasion, when a tourist was playing the slot machines, she lost track of her daughter. When she began to search, she found her perched on the staircase. Asking her daughter what she was doing, the young girl replied that she was playing with Lilly. Lilly evidently has an artistic side as her drawings, numbers, and letters are often found in the hallway at the top of the staircase. Although the walls are scrubbed down, the drawings always reappear. According to the tales, Lilly is also said to like balloons, but only in certain colors. For example, if a blue balloon is left for her, it will pop. However, if a purple balloon is left, it will begin to wander around the building on its own. Others have often seen Lilly peering from an upstairs window down to the street below. Buffalo Billy’s is located at 239-243 E. Bennett Avenue Thanks to Legends of America.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 21:02:33 +0000

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