Important Note: The Watervliet firefighters have planned a - TopicsExpress


Important Note: The Watervliet firefighters have planned a special visit to the daycare for Tuesday at 9am (if there isn’t an emergency where they are needed) so please try to be here before then so your children can enjoy the fun! We wrapped up All Around The World week by spending the day learning all about our friends in Haiti! Yesterday we learned a few phrases in their language and today we looked at pictures of what life is like in Haiti. We compared the pictures to our lives, talking about things that are the same and different. The first difference the kids noticed was how there were no pictures of snow! We learned that that’s because Haiti is an island in the ocean south of the United States where they do not get cold or snowy days like we do. We learned that they do have a rainy season though where it rains almost every day. The kids also noticed there were lots of pictures of kids playing at the beach near the ocean, not in the backyard like we do. That’s because Haiti is an island it is surrounded by water, unlike here where we have lakes and rivers but the ocean is a few hours’ drive away. We saw a picture of children praying before lunch, just like we do, but the kids had only bread and juice for lunch, unlike us. This made some of the kids sad but they were happy to learn that they themselves were helping children like this at SFX Orphanage by sending them money and our prayers. We watched a video of our friends at the orphanage and saw that they go to school just like us, they have dance parties just like us and they love to laugh just like us! Next we sorted through pictures of ourselves from the last few weeks picking out which ones we want to put in a book to send to our friends at the orphanage. We sang Jesus Loves the Little Children and said a special prayer for our friends in Haiti. What a great week! Next week we begin 2 weeks of Fall and Halloween fun!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 17:37:39 +0000

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