Important as a person’s level of maturity, degree of humility, - TopicsExpress


Important as a person’s level of maturity, degree of humility, or inclination towards the provisions of the Holy Writ; it neither accords him an indemnity nor offer him immunity against temptation. In fact, the more a person tends toward the Word of God, the more he encounters temptations. Satan with its cunning nature and itchy fingers isn’t interested in unbelievers, they’re slam dunk. He is interested in believers and thus it’s not strange that he spends considerable amount of time devising ways and means of making a believer renounce his trust and faith in the Word of God. Appreciate misfortune in the realms of social and spiritual context in which it occurs. Ultimately, it shall yield dividends if you reconcile your mind with the fact that misfortune accords one an opportunity to delimit ones comfort zone with a view to find a solution rather than shift the responsibility by looking for where or who to apportion blame. It is then that you shall realize that what you would ordinarily consider as bad isn’t bad after all; it’s good. We cannot debate the pain occasioned by misfortune in one’s life, but be that as it may, seek counsel with your conscience and appreciate that however painful it is, the earth wont cease to rotate on its own axis because you’ve failed in your undertaking; however regressive it may be, people won’t stop marrying because your partner’s divorce attorney has furnished your desk with a neatly typed divorce petition; however heartbreaking it is, men won’t stop dating women and women won’t stop pledging their hearts to men because in your considered judgment, all the good men have either been taken or are yet to be born; however saddening it is, people won’t cease to party and make merry because you’re financially incapacitated to a point that you cannot discharge even your basic financial obligations. In other words, life will always go on. A stumble is not a fall. Pick up the bits and move on. Permit me to pursue this hypothesis with a case in point. King Solomon definition of what construe a virtuous woman in the book of proverbs speaks for itself. In connection to that, if anyone wanted to understand the practical meaning and application of the word mature woman, humble woman, and focused woman, such a person needn’t have to cast his eye further than her: she was the perfect personification of a decent-virtuous woman worthy of admiration, respect, and emulation. She had a baby while in form two, something that made her feel inferior and less of a human being what with her “friends” branding her a pretender, a wolf in a sheep skin, and all sorts of demeaning names. Even though her parents weren’t amused by what befell of her and strongly castigated her for that, they nevertheless remained alive to the fact that she was their daughter and shunning her or advising her to terminate the pregnancy wasn’t in their vocabulary. Upon giving birth, her parents took full custody of her baby while sending her back to school to pursue her education. Her self esteem and confidence received a severe blow as a result of the negative treatment she got from some of her teachers and fellow students. This had an adverse effect on her performance; from a person with an average grade B+ in form one to C in form three and finally graduating from high school with grade D. In spite of these experiences, she never gave up being disciplined. Notwithstanding the endemic poverty in their house and the fact that she had attained the age of majority, her parents did not renege in caring for her together with her baby and the caring nature of her siblings too gave her a great strength. Armed with her grade D certificate, she got a job as a guard in a security firm. Her first assignment was to keep watch an Asian’s home at daytime. Damn it, it was boring. Her maturity, humility, and discipline coupled with a good command of English language caught the attention of her bosses who then redeployed to a financial institution. Her duty was to ensure that the clients are in the right queue and assisting them on how to fill the deposit and withdrawal slips. A task she discharged diligently. Unfortunately, the bank severed relationship with the security firm and the lady was again redeployed in an Asian shop. In a bid to draft a short term strategic and operations management report that will guide the bank’s operations in the next financial year, the bank processed and distributed questionnaires to its clients to gauge their level of satisfaction with their current mode of operation. Among the question that featured in the questionnaire was “Please rate our staff response to your need. 1). Good 2) Bad 3). Fair 4) Other [Explain briefly]….. With over ninety six per cent response rate, the consistency towards the clients’ response to “Other [Explain briefly]” was simply amazing, they all wondered where the young lady with good customer relationship skill went to and if she could be brought back. The bank manager poached her and offered her employment as a customer service employee performing the same tasks she used to perform previously. Her parents encouraged her to enroll for a part time course. She enrolled for course in sales and marketing (Cert. 1, Cert 2, Diploma, Higher Diploma, first degree in marketing, and now M.B.A). With her first degree, her competency, and experience, she rose through the ranks to a managerial position. Sometimes the lady zooms past her former classmates in her car and you hear the talk of “you see that lady, I mean the… bank branch manager? She was thick in class and i used to defeat her in fact she was a D material. She even became pregnant in form two…” So you ask yourself that “indeed she was pregnant in form two; indeed she was a D material and you were a B something material but the important question is that ‘what matters eventually? Is it getting B or D and sitting on it or what you do with your B or D afterwards?’”
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 15:38:29 +0000

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