In 1984 I was almost 10 years old and the Edmonton Oilers had won - TopicsExpress


In 1984 I was almost 10 years old and the Edmonton Oilers had won their first Stanley Cup. I remember learning more about the attacks on Sikhs in Delhi and other parts of India at family gatherings, through my parents phone conversations with relatives in Punjab, and from limited news coverage. It was the first time I took interest in an international issue and remember writing about it in my class journal. The horrific and barbaric attacks on Sikhs in India following the assassination of Indira Gandhi in November 1984 significantly affected Sikhs around the world and is a defining moment in our history. 2 years ago I visited the widow colony in Delhi where I spoke to survivors of the attacks and their families. The nightmare continues for them with their next generation, as they are unable to recover mentally without receiving justice, and financially after losing everything. Outside of India, Sikhs were awakened and became more engaged with their faith and culture. It lead me to take a greater interest in human rights and religious freedom issues for people of all backgrounds, especially religious minorities. Even last week in Poland as I walked the grounds of Auschwitz-Birkenau to learn more about humanitys worst crime, the Holocaust, I couldnt help but think about the Sikhs just 30 years ago who were systematically identified and murdered. I find it very unfortunate and frankly unfair that remembering the victims of November 1984 or discussing what happened is seen as taking a political side. It is not a political issue. It is a human issue. Today, I remember #30yearsof84
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 22:00:25 +0000

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