In 6 short days it will be 13 years since my girls were separated. - TopicsExpress


In 6 short days it will be 13 years since my girls were separated. As always, this time of year brings the memories rushing in. I can remember every moment with complete clarity, like it was only yesterday. Everything changed so quickly from a fairytale to a horror story. The girls, born so healthy in spite of their conjoinment picked up an infection and deteriorated oh so quickly. One moment we trying to figure out the practicalities of taking them home and then, in a heartbeat, we were in a courtroom putting our case to a judge, begging him to allow us to go ahead with surgery as it was the only hope we had of both girls surviving. The chances were so slim - 10% for Alyssa and 2% for Bethany. Those tiny percentages represented hope though, just as the tiny percentage on the GoFundMe page right now. I have learned that it doesnt matter how small the percentage is, its still a chance. And in the case of my girls, its a chance I am damn glad I took. Bethany made have only made it a couple of hours after separation but in that time we made sure she knew she was loved. That she would forever be one of our girls and a huge part of our lives. I got the chance to hold her, to whisper all my hopes and dreams to her and to thank her for giving me the privilege of being her mother. I had a chance to put a lifetime in those few hours and I will be forever grateful. Alyssa had a chance too - a chance to give up when her tiny heart stopped beating for over 40 minutes after the girls were separated. And the incredible staff in the OR had a chance too - a chance to say it was all too hard, that this little girl wasnt coming back. Luckily for me, neither party took that chance. Instead they worked on her with bare hands and never once stopped while Alyssa continued to fight against the odds and remain here with us. Because of those chances, I now have a beautiful, bubbly, feisty, giggly, kind and sweet 13 year old daughter who makes my world a brighter place every single day. So, I guess the moral of this story is if life presents you with a chance, no matter how small or scary it may be, reach out and grab it with both hands. You never know what magic may lie at the end of it. As for me, well Im still taking chances because even if it doesnt work out quite as I hope or plan at least I know that Ive taken advantage of every chance thrown my way. I think my girls would be proud.....
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 08:29:58 +0000

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