In a description reminiscent of Soviet-era tales from the Gulag, - TopicsExpress


In a description reminiscent of Soviet-era tales from the Gulag, Tolokonnikova describes a daily work regimen that obliges inmates to sew uniforms from 7:30am to 12:30 a.m., with just four hours of sleep a night. “We have a day off once every months and a half. We work almost every Sunday,” she said. She describes prison officials pressuring inmates into “petitioning” to work more, and how fellow inmates are made complicit in bullying. “Thinking only of sleep and a sip of tea, the harassed and dirty prisoner becomes obedient putty in the hands of the administration, which sees us solely as free slave labor,” she writes. Tolokonnikova alleges that the deputy head of the prison, Lieutenant Colonel Kupriyanov, threatened her after she pushed for decreased hours and increased sleep for her work brigade. According to Tolokonnikova he said: “If anyone finds out that you’re the one behind this, you’ll never complain again. After all, there’s nothing to complain about in the afterlife.” buzzfeed/miriamelder/pussy-riot-member-launches-hunger-strike-after-prison-death
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 16:02:58 +0000

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