In a little over a week, I turn 41. 40 has been bittersweet for - TopicsExpress


In a little over a week, I turn 41. 40 has been bittersweet for me. Not for the normal, societal faux oh my god, This is 40 reasons (btw - that movie SUCKED)... it has been filled with true happiness (marrying Paul, standing next to Meghan and Ethan Kaye as they married) and the most profound loss and sadness (the death of my sweet Maddie and my beloved Aunt Marlene, not to mention the losses that touched my heart - my cousins brother-in-law and brother, my cousins grandfather, Sushi the Pomeranian and many others.) I have spent much of the year completely stressed out and ignoring my health and mental wellbeing and family. That stops. Yesterday, I made a scary decision to take control of my happiness - professionally and personally - and, took an overdue leap out into the universe. I am happy to report that I have been caught and held up by the arms of the people I love and who love me. This year has caused me to question most of what I know of the world, but one thing remains true: I am amazingly lucky to have the love and support of a wide network of family and friends. And, I couldnt have gotten through this year without that network. What I want for my 41st year: To write more, to start a new project with Elliott. To control my professional destiny and start a business with Molly. To focus on returning to the fun, happy Kate that my husband married. To get healthy. To start a family. To find a way to remember Maddie by giving back to the community. Lofty birthday wish list, but if anyone can do it, its me. My Mom says that I am the most resilient and optimistic person she knows. My Aunt says Im strong. Paul and my friends say Im talented. If these amazing people believe these things of me, I can believe them of myself. 41 is going to be great. Watch this space for amazing things in the next 375 days.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 16:20:26 +0000

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