In a nuclear tit for tat, U.S. Strategic Command, which is in - TopicsExpress


In a nuclear tit for tat, U.S. Strategic Command, which is in charge of waging nuclear war, will hold large-scale bomber exercises this week. This follows on the heels of Russia conducting “massive” war games simulating a U.S. and NATO nuclear attack a few days ago. Both sides are denying this has anything to do with war — that the drills were coincidentally scheduled late last year. Are you kidding me? Wow… the lies just get more and more brazen and deadly. It is looking more and more as if the Russkies want a piece of the U.S. The Ukraine is pretext. On the Russian side, the test launch of a SS-25 Topol intercontinental missile and two SS-N-23 submarine-launched ballistic missiles was conducted. Additional missile firings included six Russian air-launched nuclear-capable cruise missiles. Putin had a front row seat with popcorn for the event. Which, by the way, was held on the anniversary celebrations marking their victory in WWII. Get it? The jokes on the world. Gimme, gimme, gimme war. Former Pentagon official Mark Schneider said the exercises are unusual and appear aimed at the West. Ya think? I suppose when the nukes rain down, you’ll call for partly cloudy radiation as well. Suicidally clueless: “This type of exercise is normally held in the fall not the spring. Holding it now suggests to me that the intent was nuclear intimidation against NATO over the Ukraine,” he said. Bill Gertz does REAL reporting – no cats in trees here… Just commies prepping for a nuclear showdown: The latest nuclear saber-rattling by Moscow followed the April 14 test launch of a new ICBM, the SS-27 with multiple simulated warheads that potentially violated the 2010 New START arms treaty. The war games also followed the Obama administration’s recent rejection of a Russian proposal aimed at resolving U.S. and Russian differences over missile defenses. Moscow wanted an agreement with legal restrictions on European-based defenses and the administration rejected the plan and cut off further talks because of the Crimea annexation.. trevorloudon/2014/05/nuclear-risk-and-the-denial-of-the-obvious/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NewZeal+%28New+Zeal+Blog%29
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 23:31:43 +0000

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