In a quiet suburb near Atlanta, Georgia, Jim and Kay Tatum built a - TopicsExpress


In a quiet suburb near Atlanta, Georgia, Jim and Kay Tatum built a new home with plans to retire. In January of 1986, five months after they moved in, the Tatum’s began to experience a series of incidents that would ultimately force them to put their house up for sale. One night, Kay Tatum couldn’t sleep. She sensed a strange presence in the hall outside her bedroom. When she got up to investigate, Kay caught a glimpse of a man walking past her open door. He was swinging his arms lightly, his head was slightly bent, and he walked briskly past Kay. At first she thought it was her husband, so Kay went into the bedroom and there was Jim laying in bed, so she thought they had a burglar. Jim searched the house. There was no evidence of any entry, or of anyone having been in the house. Jim thought perhaps Kay had just been using an overactive imagination. Shortly after the incident, Kay began to suspect that it may have not been an actual living person at all. She had fear and was perplexed about what happened. Kay suddenly remembered that she didn’t hear any sound as the man walked passed her. Two months passed without further incident. Then, one night in March, Jim was working upstairs on the house. He stopped when Kay called him down to dinner, and, as usual, made sure to unplug his drill. As the evening wore on, Jim decided to watch a movie, while Kay went upstairs to read. One hour later, Kay heard the sound of the drill outside her room. She assumed Jim was teasing her about having seen a ghost, but before long, she felt the joke had gone on long enough. When she got to the hallway, it was empty, and the drill was unplugged. Kay Tatum said she was really frightened and reached down and felt the drill and it was ice cold. It had not been turned on. Now, Jim too started to believe something strange might be occurring He too was very confused and knew very well that something was happening because Kay is very level-headed and she was truly frightened. The strange events continued. One night, Kay heard the sound of coins falling in a bowl. She was alone in the room. Another time, while cooking, Kay felt two sharp tugs on her blouse. The occurrences all seemed to center around Kay. Terrified by what was happening in their house, Jim and Kay turned to an expert for help, parapsychologist William Roll. In his words, William said, The question comes up, why is this family having these experiences? Is there some sort of ghost that has come back to haunt them for some unknown reason? What’s taking place? A lot of people have these experiences. It’s part of who we are as humans, to have these so-called psychic experiences. Dr. Roll believes that memories can actually be transferred to physical objects. These residual memories can be triggered by ordinary people. It wasn’t long before Jim finally had his first strange experience. It started with a small bell. An early riser, Jim always got up hours before Kay. When Kay woke up, she would ring the bell if she needed anything upstairs. One day, Jim heard what he assumed was Kay ringing the bell. Jim had grown used to climbing the stairs after hearing the bell. When he did so, it wasn’t Kay who rang the bell. She was asleep. Jim went in and looked at the bell, and it was there. He said he obviously heard something else other than the bell. After the third time this happened, the Tatums decided to make up a code in order to outwit the entity. Kay would ring the bell three times if she wanted Jim to come upstairs. One morning Jim heard the call. It rang three times. Jim knew this was Kay, because this was their signal, but Kay was sound asleep. The bell was in the other bedroom, where it stays. He went in and looked at it. Jim turned around and walked out the door, and the bell rang again. Jim began to see how Kay felt and was frightened. The hair stood up on Jims neck. He told Kay that thered be no more bell and wasnt going to answer that bell anymore. The bell never rang since. William Roll is no stranger to these types of incidents and says there are a number of haunting cases that are not very striking, not very strong, but where the phenomenon is, nevertheless, quite disturbing to the family. It might be a bell ringing, a fleeting glimpse of an apparition. The events are trivial, but they’re deeply upsetting to the family because they don’t fit into the picture that most of us have of the world. That image of the physical world, particularly of our home, is intricately related to who we picture ourselves as being. In the end, things got so bad that the Tatums moved out of their home and put it up for sale.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 13:40:24 +0000

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