In a true democracy conducting free and fair elections is utmost - TopicsExpress


In a true democracy conducting free and fair elections is utmost priority and transcends any reason whatsoever which could undermine it. . Germany has declared EVMs unconstitutional. Ireland has scrapped them. Dutch TV has already exposed EVMs. . Why then India only is different when it comes to using EVMs ? . Why then even the opposition parties like BJP dont raise it at an appropriate time with the seriousness it deserves? . Hasnt the use of EVMs taken indian voters by surprise in 2009? . Indias 2009 elections were held in five phases, running from April 16 to May 13. Counting was not supposed to begin until all the phases were complete. Before the voting started, Saraph and Nalapat decided to track the elections and create a wiki for constituencies and candidates, with data sourced from Excel files on the ECI Web site. . The ECI spreadsheet contained what you would expect: Candidates name, gender, address, party, etc. But, starting May 6, the spreadsheets changed and something unexpected was added. From May 6 onwards, the candidates name was coded, based on their position on the EVM, and the number of votes polled were added, even though voting had yet to take place in many constituencies and, even where voting had taken place, votes were yet to be counted. Even more confounding, the votes polled numbers were adjusted in subsequent spreadsheets before the results were announced. The team immediately alerted the National Informatics Centre and the ECI that it looked like their Web site was posting results before voting had been completed. The NIC responded within an hour confirming the observation and itself alerting the ECI. There was no response from the ECI. as per the peoples mandate there is hardly any doubt about Modis prospects of becoming P.M. But the mandate is recorded in vulnerable EVMs for some reasons not known. I just pray for the nation this time.
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 15:24:31 +0000

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