In case anybody ever wondered or wonders what I believe in.... " - TopicsExpress


In case anybody ever wondered or wonders what I believe in.... " I believe the Bible to be wholly accurate and completely true. There are no errors in the Holy Bible because the Holy Spirit has lead men to write what they must (2 Tim 3:16). There are no real errors in the Holy Bible. Everything in the Bible including but not limited to faith, practice, history and science is completely true. I believe that the inerrancy of the Holy Bible applies only to the original manuscripts and not to later copies. Those scribes were not divinely inspired as were the original writers. However the Bible that we do have today is perfect and we can know the full will of GOD through it. Some of what the scriptures say may not be literally true however they may communicate profound truth. I believe that Jesus confirmed that the Bible was without error by constantly referring to it and quoting it constantly and consistently. I believe that GOD has created all things such as but not limited to the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars along with other planets. He created the animals of the land and the fish of the sea and the birds in the air and every creeping thing and even plant life by the power of His word, seen and unseen, from nothing. This includes all the angels since they are created beings as well and are part of the creation, within six literal 24 hour days and rested on the seventh. I believe that GOD made man from the literal dust of the earth and breathed the breath of life into Adams nostrils and he became a living man. GOD had taken a literal rib from Adam and created a literal woman from it and she became the mother of all people who are alive today. I also believe that creation is only about 6000 years old. I believe that GOD is omnipotent and is sovereign Lord over all things. From HIM and through HIM and for HIM are all things (Rom 11:36). GOD is able to do whatever HE pleases (Ps 135:6). None of GODS purposes can be thwarted (Job 42:2). GOD has set forth the days, the number of months and the bounds of every person HE creates (Job 14:5; Ps. 139:16) He completes all things according to HIS council and will (Proverbs 16:33). GOD controls even what people will and will not do (Proverbs 16:9; 19:21; 20:24). He even controls the hearts of kings, turning them wherever HE wills (Proverbs 21:1). God draws people to HIM and has already chosen them since the foundation of the earth. He softens and hardens hearts so that people will come and others will not. He opens up hearts to understand and others so that they cannot. GOD is in complete control over all things. I believe that our very essence is in the image of GOD. Humans have an eternal soul. Man is able to reason and has the ability to rationalize. GOD has created us with an innate ability to pursue and discover truth. We have the capacity for moral goodness and the ability to obey GOD or disobey. We are able to sense GODS Spirit calling. We have a sense of the divine. We are able to love as GOD loves. He has given us the capacity to love HIM and others. I also believe that the image of GOD includes our GOD given authority over all of creation. Just as GOD is in control over all things, in the same way we have been given authority over all the earth. I also believe that the Image of GOD is the ability to have and hold relationships. Just as GOD the Father, GOD the Son and GOD the Holy Spirit live and love in unison, so we are able to live in the same way along with each other. GOD has created us to be just like HIM. I believe that GOD has chosen us who are His and will never leave us nor forsake us. Jesus has said that HE will not cast off anyone who comes to HIM. Nothing can ever separate us from the love of GOD in Christ Jesus who saves us. He has forgiven us of our sins and will remember them no more. I believe we have been sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption. The righteous shall be kept safe forever and those who believe have been imputed with Christ’s righteousness. I am confident that the one who began a good work in us will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ the one who calls us is faithful and HE will do this. Those who have been born again are born not with perishable flesh but imperishable. Eternal life is eternal and has no limit. I believe that those who walk away from the faith were never genuinely a part of the faith to begin with. I believe that JESUS the “GOD-MAN” was both fully GOD and fully man. He displayed Human attributes such as growing intellectually and physically. HE had to pray and submit to the FATHER. JESUS displayed human emotions such as fear, anger, sorrow, and loneliness. JESUS also displayed divine attributes such as healing, forgiving sins. HE had an omniscient mind knowing the hearts of all men. HE was able to control all things such as the wind and the biting of fish. HE accepted worship because HE was GOD in the flesh. I believe that JESUS CHRIST died in the place of us sinners. I believe that HE took up our iniquities and bore them and the punishment for our sins upon HIS body and that we have been given HIS imputed righteousness. JESUS, who never committed sin, became sin for us. Christ JESUS was the propitiation for our sins. HE was put forward as a sacrifice of atonement by HIS blood. I believe that JESUS defeated satan and his works on the cross at Calvary. Through JESUS’ death and resurrection, GOD has made HIM both LORD and Messiah and is now seated at the right hand (power) of GOD. GOD has made HIM greater than all the angels and demons, powers and principalities. Everything has been made subject to Christ JESUS our LORD and Savior. I believe that the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit are still active and are for the church today. The anointing that abides in us will remain in us until the LORD returns. The Apostle Paul chosen by GOD has commanded to believers to seek the gifts eagerly and not despise the words of prophets or forbid speaking in tongues. We must exercise our gifts because they benefit the individual and the whole Church. I believe that man is totally deprived and without GODS help through the HOLY SPIRIT cannot and will not respond positively to GOD due in part of our sin nature. It was different before the fall. Without GODS help we would be utterly and hopelessly lost. GOD has unconditionally elected us since before the foundation of the world. HE destined us for adoption as HIS children through Jesus according to the good pleasure of HIS will. This grace was given to us in Christ Jesus before the ages began. It is not mans choosing or desire, but GODS that a person is born again. I believe in the limited atonement. The death of Jesus Christ pays for all sin, but only of those whom GOD has predestined since before the foundation of the world. Jesus prayed for those whom the FATHER has given to Him because they belong to the FATHER. I believe in irresistible grace. The salvation of a man is not based on his own desire or but on GOD who shows mercy. GOD graciously changes the will of the elect. HE directs their hearts like the flow of a river. I believe in the perseverance of the saints. Even though a Christian may struggle or even lapse into sin for a time, they will persevere till the end by GODS keeping power and grace. They will persist in the faith until the day we see our LORD JESUS face to face. We are secure forever because we have been given life eternal, and eternal is never ending. I believe in the believer’s baptism. The baptism itself means nothing unless the person does so believing on the LORD JESUS Christ. Salvation is offered to and baptism is commanded of only people that can meet the conditions of repenting, believing and obeying Jesus Christ. People are to repent and believe and be baptized in the name of the LORD JESUS as commanded through the disciples. Only when one repents does baptism in Christ mean anyting. I believe that men and women are created equal with complimentary roles. I believe that men and women are created equal with equal dignity, worth and responsibility before GOD. Men and women are to compliment and not replicate one another. It is the order which GOD has ordained. Women are to be “helpers” and “partners” of man. God has said that Eve should desire Adam and that Adam would rule over her. Man is given the leadership role by God Himself. I believe that men alone are to be spiritual teachers and leaders. They must be the husband of but one wife and manage their family well. I believe that women are to learn in submission and should not teach a man nor have authority over a man. Men are not created superior than women, however and women are to be treated with the utmost respect. I believe that there will someday be a literal thousand years of peace when Christ Jesus returns to reign on the earth as Sovereign King over all. I believe that satan will be bound during the thousand years. There will be two resurrections; one is of the saints who will rule with Christ Jesus for a literal thousand years. When Christ Jesus returns, at the sound of the trumpet of GOD, the dead in Christ will raise to life and be caught up in the clouds. The other resurrection is for those who are doomed to destruction. They will be judged according to their works. There will be a time of peace when Christ does return so much so that even snakes will not bite and the lion will lie down with the “fatling” and a child will lead them. The Lion will eat straw like an ox, as it was before the fall. I believe that those who have not been evangelized to and have died without knowing Christ Jesus will not be saved. Only those who have heard the Gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ and have made a conscious to accept it will go on to live forever with the LORD of HOSTS and into eternity. I believe that there is no other name among mortals other than JESUS that one can be saved by. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no one can go to the Father except through HIM. The only way to reach the Father is by believing on the LORD JESUS the CHRIST. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. The condition the New Testament gives is that we place out trust and faith in the one whom GOD has provided for salvation. I believe that Hell is the literal unending torment of the wicked. There will be a resurrection of the dead that will lead to everlasting shame and contempt. The shame and contempt of the wicked will last as long as the joy and everlasting life of the Righteous. The worm of the wicked shall not die, their fire shall not be quenched and they shall be an abhorrence to all flesh. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Hell is not eternal in consequence, but rather, it is a state of eternal consciousness. The unrighteous and the non-elect angels will burn in the lake of fire, being tormented day and night, forever and ever."
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 02:35:46 +0000

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