In case you missed it the first time: As conciliar Rome validates - TopicsExpress


In case you missed it the first time: As conciliar Rome validates conciliar Rome, Paul VI will be beatified at the closing Mass of the wicked synod. How could a successor of Peter have caused in so short a time more damage to the Church than the Revolution of 1789?... the deepest and most excessive in Her history… what no heresiarch has ever succeeded in doing?... Do we really have a pope or an intruder sitting on the Chair of Peter?” (Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, commenting on Paul VI’s reign, 1976) It has to be admitted that Paul VI has posed a serious problem for the consciences of the faithful. This pontiff has done more harm to the Church than the French Revolution. POPE PAUL VI: -Concocted the poisonous man-made Novus Ordo (New Mass), made with Protestants to please Protestants, rather than God -Suppressed the Latin Mass, lied to the faithful and said it was forbidden -Had respect & esteem for false religions, promoted Freedom of Religion -Supported and praised the United Nations & New World Order -Promoted man as the center of worship rather than God -Gave away the papal tiara which was auctioned off at NY Worlds Fair -Returned to the Muslims the Turkish Battle Flag that was captured at the 1571 Battle of Lepanto -Changed the Rites of Sacraments to include removing the exorcisms at Baptism -Removed the Index of Forbidden Books -Abolished the Oath Against Modernism of Pope St. Pius X, which was compulsory for all Catholic bishops, priests and teachers -Removed from the Roman calendar well over 200 Feast Days and Saints
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 04:56:26 +0000

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