In his desperation to grab power at any cost, Shri Narendra Modi - TopicsExpress


In his desperation to grab power at any cost, Shri Narendra Modi has breached all norms of civilised conduct and political discourse. In the past few days he launched a verbal assault against the Election Commission for ordering an FIR against him. The EC directed police to lodge an FIR against Shri Modi for displaying the party symbol and holding a media interaction after casting his vote in Gandhinagar recently. He reportedly “challenged” the Election Commission to register another FIR against him. Responding to Shri Modi’s offensive language, Shri Abhishek Manu Singhvi said, “The issue is the whole-scale onslaught, intemperate words clearly the sign of losing team attacking the referee. A person who has just got an FIR registered against him, Mr Modi now challenges and provokes the EC to file another FIR against him. This is of course fully in tune with his style, his culture. It is a continuous, consistent and unbroken chain of verbal assaults right from the James Michael Lyngdoh days.” This is not the first time Shri Modi has used ugly language to attack a venerable institution like the EC. In July 2002, Shri Modi got the Gujarat assembly dissolved so that he could force early elections and take advantage of the massive polarisation caused by the Gujarat riots. This was openly opposed by the Election Commission as the due date was nine months away. The Chief Election Commissioner, JM Lyngdoh ruled out early elections. Modi accused Lyngdoh of delaying elections “because he was a Christian.” Shri Modi used to quote JM Lyngdoh’s full name (James Michael Lyngdoh) in press conferences and public meetings to highlight his Christian background. Shri Lyngdoh rightly called it a “despicable” act and “gossip of the menials”. Shri Modi knows people have seen through his designs. So he is now getting desperate and trying to invoke Lord Ram and Maa Durga. With the portrait of Lord Ram in the background, Shri Modi today addressed people in Faizabad and begged them for votes. Shri Singhvi said, “...this is all done in tandem in coordination, in the same 24 hours, with Shah, his beloved, his special agent in UP categorising a whole religion as terrorist prone or terrorist infected. This has been an old style of the divisive Modi of the BJP’s culture of inflammation, conflagration, confrontation and conflict. The object of each of these statements has got nothing to do with even rhetoric or facts. The object of each of these statements is to create a divisive climate, is to put polarisation in the centre of politics, is to play cheap politics with lives, with law, with everything.” In West Bengal, recently, Shri Modi said those who worship Maa Durga (read Hindus) will be allowed to stay, while others will be expelled. “It’s a cheap and disgusting comment about expelling and excluding all other than those who worship Maa Durga. The BJP and Mr Modi remember Maa Durga and revere Lord Ram only during election time. For them they are fodder only for cheap electoral gains. For us they are reverential figures round the year.”
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 09:30:35 +0000

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