In his paper “The Real Reasons Why Iran is the Next Target”, - TopicsExpress


In his paper “The Real Reasons Why Iran is the Next Target”, William Clark wrote: “The Tehran government has a developed a plan to begin competing with New Yorks NYMEX and Londons IPE with respect to international oil trades - using a euro-denominated international oil-trading mechanism. This means that without some form of US intervention, the euro is going to establish a firm foothold in the international oil trade. Given U.S. debt levels and the stated neoconservative project for U.S. global domination, Tehrans objective constitutes an obvious encroachment on U.S. dollar supremacy in the international oil market… It is now obvious the invasion of Iraq had less to do with any threat from Saddam’s long-gone WMD program and certainly less to do to do with fighting International terrorism than it has to do with gaining control over Iraq’s hydrocarbon reserves and in doing so maintaining the U.S. dollar as the monopoly currency for the critical international oil market…installing a pro-U.S. government in Baghdad along with multiple U.S. military bases was partly designed to thwart further momentum within OPEC towards a petroeuro (Which Saddam Hussein implemented over U.S. outcry in the year 2000). Candidly stated, ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’ was a war designed to install a pro-U.S. puppet in Iraq, establish multiple U.S military bases before the onset of Peak Oil, and to reconvert Iraq back to petrodollars while hoping to thwart further OPEC momentum towards the euro as an alternative oil transaction currency. In 2003 the global community witnessed a combination of petrodollar warfare and oil depletion warfare. The majority of the world’s governments – especially the E.U., Russia and China - were not amused – and neither are the U.S. soldiers who are currently stationed in Iraq. Indeed, the author’s original pre-war hypothesis was validated shortly after the war in a Financial Times article dated June 5th, 2003, which confirmed Iraqi oil sales returning to the international markets were once again denominated in US dollars, not euros. Not surprisingly, this detail was never mentioned in the five US major media conglomerates who appear to censor this type of information, but confirmation of this vital fact provides insight into one of the crucial - yet overlooked - rationales for 2003 the Iraq war: “The tender, for which bids are due by June 10, switches the transaction back to dollars -- the international currency of oil sales - despite the greenbacks recent fall in value. Saddam Hussein in 2000 insisted Iraqs oil be sold for euros, a political move, but one that improved Iraqs recent earnings thanks to the rise in the value of the euro against the dollar. Acknowledging that many of the oil contracts for Iran and Saudi Arabia are linked to the United Kingdom’s Brent crude marker, the Iranian bourse could create a significant shift in the flow of international commerce into the Middle East. If Iran’s bourse becomes a successful alternative for oil trades, it would challenge the hegemony currently enjoyed by the financial centers in both London (IPE) and New York (NYMEX), a factor not overlooked in the following article: Iran is to launch an oil trading market for Middle East and OPEC producers that could threaten the supremacy of Londons International Petroleum Exchange. And …He [Mr. Asemipour] played down the dangers that the new exchange could eventually pose for the IPE or Nymex, saying he hoped they might be able to cooperate in some way.” And …Some industry experts have warned the Iranians and other OPEC producers that western exchanges are controlled by big financial and oil corporations, which have a vested interest in market volatility.”and …Along with several other members of OPEC, Iranian oil officials believe crude trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange and the IPE is controlled by the oil majors and big financial companies, who benefit from market volatility. And Others familiar with Irans economy said since 9/11, Saudi Arabian investors are opting to invest in Iran rather than traditional western markets as the kingdoms relations with the U.S. have weakened Irans oil ministry has made no secret of its eagerness to attract much needed foreign investment in its energy sector and broaden its choice of oil buyers…Chris Cook, who previously worked for the IPE and now offers consultancy services to markets through Partnerships Consulting LLP in London, commented: Post-9/11, there has also been an interest in the project from the Saudis, who werent interested in participating before. The IPE, bought in 2001 by a consortium that includes BP, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, was unwilling to discuss the Iranian move yesterday. We would not have any comment to make on it at this stage, said an IPE spokeswoman. William Clark stated ….If it [U.S.] intervenes again, it is absolutely certain it will not be able to improve the situation – Iraq shows America has not the depth or patience to create a new civil society – and will only make matters worse. The reason for the U.S. breakup with Ahmed Chalabi, the former Iraqi politician, was his leak of Pentagon plans to invade Iran, but the American government has not changed its objective. Clark wrote ….Diplomats said Chalabi was alerted to the Pentagon plans and in the process of trying to learn more to tell the Iranians, he invited suspicions of US officials, who subsequently got the Iraqi police to raid the compound of his Iraqi National Congress on 20 May 2004, leading to a final break up of relations. And While the U.S. is uncertain how much of the attack plans were leaked to Iran, it could change some of the invasion tactics, but the broad parameters would be kept intact. The Monterey Institute of International Studies provided an extensive analysis of the possible consequences of a preemptive attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities and warned of the following: Considering the extensive financial and national policy investment Iran has committed to its nuclear projects, it is almost certain that an attack by Israel or the United States would result in immediate retaliation. A likely scenario includes an immediate Iranian missile counterattack on Israel and U.S. bases in the Gulf. Most important, in the absence of evidence of an Iranian illegal nuclear program, an attack on Irans nuclear facilities by the U.S. or Israel would be likely to strengthen Irans international stature and reduce the threat of international sanctions against Iran. Such an event is more likely to embolden and expand Irans nuclear aspirations and capabilities in the long term…one thing is for certain, it would not be just another Osirak. Everyone is being lied to and lied about, monetized, manipulated, and exploited by a foreign power cesspool of unimaginable and unprecedented evil which doesn’t care whether you eat or starve, live or die, vote or don’t vote, just so long as it produces the foreign profits they worship. They even do it to their own citizens and military personnel. . It is a clear and evil, but highly successful, divide-and-conquer strategy planned and designed to weaken, exploit, and destroy the entire Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Thanks to Edward Snowden and John Perkins, even the E.U. now knows it is under U.S. initiated uprisings and economic hardships. General Wesley Clark exposed he personally saw plans in the U.S. Pentagon created over fifteen years ago to divide and take control of the Middle East and its oil. And their biggest fear is that governments and citizens in the victimized countries will suddenly stop fighting themselves and each other and instead turn enmasse against the global instigator of such unimaginable atrocities now exposed.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 22:45:22 +0000

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