In honor of V week I dont think this lady needs much of an - TopicsExpress


In honor of V week I dont think this lady needs much of an introduction here in ICC. She has garnered popularity and almost can be considered the breakout character. Crossing over into several other projects with fellow creators. Midora, as she is code-named, is the second in command of the Black Dragon. Her true name is a mystery, as she prefers her subordinates to refer to her as Mistress. She runs the legitimate face of the organization (The Mizaki Corporation) as well, and answers only to the Master himself. She began her career as a teenager as a simple spy and her loyalty was eventually rewarded with her present position when her predecessor was executed for his constant failures. As a result she has the financial security most can only dream about. Her promotion was initially opposed by the Council as they did not like the idea of a Chinese woman leading what has been a predominantly male-Japanese headed council. She quickly silenced her critics and while many may not still like they idea, they are wise enough not to voice it aloud. Though Chinese, she speaks English and Japanese fluently (along with her native tongue). She is a master of Wushu, and Ninjitsu and an expert with just about any bladed weapon. Her ability to replicate herself comes from her being able to allow her life force to temporarily manifest itself outside her body. She often uses this power to shift the odds to her favor in battles. Since the clones are of her life force they cannot act independently and will fade out if she loses her concentration. Although one of the worlds top assassins, she still has a high sense of duty. She will never use a firearm to eliminate a target, and has even gone so far as to protect her target until she herself can get to them, believing that once marked, death must come by her hand and nothing else. Whether this is a matter of ego or honor is a mystery. Beauty, and brains can come in one package
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 00:12:39 +0000

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