In my research i found what the mark of the beast is ... and the - TopicsExpress


In my research i found what the mark of the beast is ... and the exact meaning of it when the bible says he will strike thy heal as thy bruise thy head Heel is a command given to a dog when u want it to walk right beside you,with its attention on you... At your left side, and not ahead or behind. Its supposed to walk when you walk, stop and sit when you stop, etc. so on this case it means .. mesmerized , struck, with gaze , the wild wonder , = hypnotized ,,, basically next, bruise thy head . Usually the phrase head over heels is used to express the thought of someone having fallen deeply in love, sometimes quickly. Sometimes it is used about other things that a person is extremely enthusiastic about. When someone says they are head over heels for someone, or something, it means they love it, and they cant imagine life without it. Generally, it refers to falling in love. They are often very excited by the other person... A despicable, contemptible sort. Exs are notorious heels. The heel contains a part of the body that contains dead skin that is so insensitive that it can not feel anything of significance. On the other hand, that which is totally insignificant and trivial, tickling, that the foot can feel. This is an accurate description of our generation: We are totally insensitive to the spiritual reality. We are devoid of understanding or feeling, yet we are very much in tune with that which is totally superfluous, transient, and meaningless, that we can feel. In the overall stature of history, our generation is the very “heel”, the lowest part of the body, while our ANCESTORS are like brains, heart and other higher parts of the body . The ability to “give-and-take” in a relationship. It is best expressed by the person who knows when to surrender himself to a situation, how much to do so, and for how long. He will only impose his opinion when doing so is best for all involved, and back down and follow someone else’s lead when it is clear that it is correct to do so. In a place where there are no men, try to be a man. We know how to correctly relate to all those around us in any given situation. It is a service type personality that allows one to throw his entire being into a relationship, and the necessary self-control and reliability upon which relationships are built. On the one hand, “heel” denotes a lowly level, for the heel is the least perceptive limb. Like the insensitive heel, this era is characterized by an inability to perceive Godliness in the world. .. It means this last generation has the task and purpose to draw the Divine Presence all the way down to the very earthiness of this material world, which will happen with the coming of Jesus and the ultimate redemption. Once the “feet” generation is reached, then the true being of man will come. The human body is used as a metaphor to describe the collective of the believing people as it has existed over the ages. In that context, our present generation can be compared to the heels, we lack the intellectual and emotional sophistication of our ancestors. Our wills are channels for the expression of our souls, and of all the limbs in the body, it is the heel which displays the most active obedience to this potential. Our minds and our hearts are mediums for the expression of our conscious potentials. Our heels are mediums for the expression of our inner will which transcends our conscious thought, it is the souls which can be compared to “heels”, Those people living in chaos and violence, and those in same but still know happiness through it , and arent affected so easily and stay strong to what you feel is right ... whose commitment expresses the inner power of the soul and manifests the infinite potential of the Godly spark that exists within each of us. The forhead holds your third eye ur peneal gland . The ability to access ur subconscious .... and your right arm/hand is the leading hand. This is why most children are taught to write with it , thus saying that the mark your inability to choose whats right from wrong is stolen by an immediate spell casting or hypnotic influence , look into my eyes type of gaze.. A false innocence Mans demanded respect in todays time is to look into his eyes as he speaks , and,also to shake his hand. This is a physical bond or contract between two people as a sign of TRUST .. Deceit has no boundaries , trust is everything and has its limits ,.... I cant tell you how long , but were heading into a short time where this is the most important aspect.... Take a good look around you, clear your thoughts and see This is not real freedom When Jesus died on the cross,, at the moment of his passing he forgave EVERYONE and the ground cracked , and the thunders roared . when the liberty bell was rung , the intentions for freedom were not tune to God and earthly nature ,, it cracked ,, they made two more , the second one was faulty , the third one cracked again ,... You are the light of the holy spirit , made from the elements of the earth ... The whole point of this test to faith .. Everything you know and love will be stripped from you .... look in your heart and believe let go of everything , forgive your friends , family , or anyone who has done you wrong because anger or hate consumes your soul in a way that kills your spirit and theirs ,, our eyes are the true colors of the light within our souls . I dont hate people who argue reason.... its their right to ,and it helps for their own understanding ... but I dislike their hatred for others who try to help them and end up getting belittled in misunderstanding...So for the world to understand the imposed insanity implicated upon me .... Everything is true to the ideal of ones imagination or definition to their own reality .... To try to understand the infinite time throughout another life experience, without first understanding them as an equal ...... is the REAL insanity Through all things is change, if there is no change life wouldnt be worth living nor would u give meaning for it to exist.. The truth must be told ... we must share. Some say we have , but through greed and pride... came prejudice intent The weak wanted or needed what we have/had/or took ...we rape all natural resource starving the rest of the planet ... Blame the gov? ...yes /no ... Its ALL of our faults ...the WHOLE world for letting it happen and selfishly watching as others pay their lives for it . .Thinking no regard to ourselves in consequence ... now we WILL...... we must share ...we MUST change ...and it MUST hurt us Fight to remain free from slavery...keep spreading the truth .. Dont ever let your children forget what freedom costs .. or forget the truth The truth hurts because its meant to be that way .. pain is natural in order for the lesson to be learned and remembered ..... .When you get to the point where you start to lose the bond with those u knew all your life, and the trust is gone ... Then u start to realize that all of this is more serious and real , than u could ever imagine. Loneliness digs itself in and u clearly understand that Your path has to be ...and eventually will be.. traveled... alone Im already alone ..i feel it every day ,, I dont get to see my children, or my family ... so i know what it means to have nothing already .. And its ok ....i cant make the choices for other people .. theres nothing else anyone can take from me ... and NO ONE will ever take my soul!!!! In this loneliness, I still have a friend .. Hes got my back... Hes in my heart, Ill never let him go..
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 14:41:00 +0000

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