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In reference to this thread: https://facebook/arthurcristian/posts/10205308014407946 Frances Cranton wrote..... These are words from a true being reflecting his light and love everywhere, a master Arthur, the only other spiritual master I have read is Barry Long you would love his works, - reading this sometime. ---- We replied Copied from the Amazon link above - the upper case was done by us to point out a few insights/facts posted below it.............. Barry Long calls on the depth of his self-knowledge to explore the deep space of the universe making a connection between self-discovery and scientific enquiry that provokes extraordinary insights into the nature of man and the structure of reality. Here is a spiritual cosmology set within our contemporary scientific world-view a contemporary creation myth for anyone intrigued by the primal questions: HOW DID IT ALL BEGIN? HOW AND WHY HAS EVOLUTION BROUGHT US TO THIS POINT? WHERE ULTIMATELY DO WE COME FROM? We go on a journey into the psyche of man to look into the levels of mind that structure and organise mans place in creation. We see how existence itself is formed and we span the universe to discover the cosmic scheme behind the forces of evolution. We actually look into the ultimate mystery of how nothing becomes something and are drawn step by step toward the original point of consciousness - before time began. Finally at the end of the book Barry Long describes the fundamental structures that determine our reality the original ideas that manifested as our life on earth. This long awaited and extensively revised edition of a book originally published by Routledge and Kegan Paul in 1984 will be a must for all those who enjoy Barry Longs work. ---- Through co-creation, innocent, pure and sincere children of paradise/nature are already fully conscious of the whole of creation/the dream of life. There is nowhere their consciousness is not. They are already fully awakened. It is only after we have fallen into the abyss of intellectualisation, thanks to explanation, instruction, education, indoctrination and brainwashing (reactions to trauma), that we end up as children on a mysterious journey through the matrix of non-sense having to ask questions such as all those highlighted above because we have already lost most of our sensory-connection with the dream of life that is who we really are. From reality we fell into a shattered reality and from there the questions derived from this fallen state (The System of destructive compelling e-motions) come at us constantly. Each intellectual thought is a piece of this shattered reality disconnected from the whole. While we search and search and search through the millions of shattered pieces of educated, explained, instructed consciousness, we remain trapped and completely lost to who we really are. The Freemasonic/Satanic networks peddle this shattered reality as truth, peace, love, joy, consciousness, freedom, etc, etc, but none of it is who you really are and what you are really part of. It is only while being in this fallen state that we ask questions like all those raised in this Amazon explanation. And sadly, while lost to non-sense we will never awaken from this deep sleep no matter how hard and for how long we traverse the world (The System) of intellectual thought to find the answers to who we really are, etc. And even worse than this we spiral ever more deeply into this unconscious dead-state of spiritual suicide never to return to consciousness. We have not woken up. Everything of the uncorrupted seed is already everything of the uncorrupted tree. The tree never tries to be anything but a tree. To be life we are already being life. We are not trying to be anything other than MAN of MAN/Nature/Earth. It is only while being lost in the abyss of non-sense that we search for answers to this fallen state, that being the head, the intellect, ruling the heart (senses) of MANS consciousness, with no exit points. Consciousness is consciousness. Consciousness cannot be sensed through non-sense. Its best we stop hijacking innocent children and stop forcing non-sense (trauma/destructive e-motions/lies/chaos) upon each other which we do constantly under the compelling image power (reactions to trauma) of The System, the E-GO. This perpetual setting into motion of E-GO non-sense is hell and is MANS determination to commit spiritual suicide here and now in this life. One way this clearly shows up is when we attack other peoples characters, trying to drag them down into the same conflicted state as us. This is how intel networks and their operatives work. When we attempt to go outside of who we really are and drag others under the compelling image power of what we put our destructive e-motional energy into, we are clearly demonstrating the depth of our system-thought brainwashing that is the hell of a fallen-MAN (men, women, children) turning against MAN. If we are coming from love, from consciousness, from who we really are, there would be need to perform like this. We already are everything of love, of consciousness, of life, of truth, of peace, of freedom, of abundance, of joy, of MAN and no void appears to exist needing us to drag anyone or anything into. When you fully comprehend this, other peoples intentions are clearly exposed for all to see in plain sight. This is why we work very hard all-day, everyday, to inspire MAN to completely walk away from The System of compelling destructive e-motions in this life - then we are all left alone, free from the attacks of non-sense allowing us the freedom and tranquil space to reconnect with our living-sensory-consciousness in present-sense. The only intention behind the The Steps Of Kindom remedy we promote is to help us all come-together to get rid of The System in this life so that we can then all learn how to no longer be under each other anymore and how not to need each other anymore so that we come together down-the-line through celebration, strength, abundance, peace, truth, etc, rather than through doubt, uncertainty, unconsciousness, needs, wants, desires and all other compelling destructive e-motions of non-sense. Thank you for your loving intentions Frances but Arthur is not a master and is just a MAN, no more, no less than MAN. All MAN is equal. We are all intended to be unique and original, not one the same as the next. No MAN is master of another MAN. A MAN never seeks the higher ground (arrogance, ignorance, righteousness, indifference, etc, etc...) over another MAN. A MAN will never worship or attack (ridicule, abuse, scorn, undermine, sabotage, humiliate, belittle, segregate, discriminate, corrupt, commit slander and fraud to destroy, etc, etc.......) another MAN. :)
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 10:52:38 +0000

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