In the path of transfiguration, when the soul rises on the planes - TopicsExpress


In the path of transfiguration, when the soul rises on the planes and through the sephiroth, peeling away the veils from gross to subtle, by attuning to the more delicate modes and frequencies of light, one beneath the other, one transcends as ones mode of initiation allows into the state of Chokmah, wisdom. The sphere of Chokmah is beyond the soul, yet it is the living essence of the soul itself. It is expansion through Brahma, who dwells in the conscious void of Shiva and creates the world anew with each mantra, with his resonant words of creation. To move into this expansive state of Chokmah one must first ascend into the sphere of pure silence, Binah, Understanding. In this sphere one comes to show compassion for ones own soul, and consoles it with the utmost philosophy and psychology until it may repose into its own alienation, and settle into its aloneness, floating in disembodied selflessness in the void, where all the angels of ones own intelligence gather together and sit within the souls dimensionless core and there take the name of Elohim, god within. In this timeless time, this eternity of eternity, ad adey ad, with all desire extinguished, in the deepest patience listening ever inwards, where dark and light merge as one, where the male and female unite, where the many become the one; in that eternal dimensionless space one is granted a glimpse of the motivating force of the divine being, and this lightening flash of the divine word is Chokmah. It is the reliving of the spark, the star that bursts in orgasm in ones nativity and conception, atziluth. Chokmah has no vice, and holds only the virtue of devotion. Even the greatest evil may be committed with as much devotion as the greatest good. But the glimpse of gods word, in an eternal moment bares the revelation of ones soulful path towards life, chayah, by showing in the most apocalyptic manner the path laid bare by ones own devotion. In this state of expansion ones devotion is shown. For to be subservient and receive is the most passive of spiritual potentials, but where ones devotion lies sets the path of destiny. And that destiny is shown in the signs of the stars, the zodiac, mazloth. The divine logos, God the Word, Yod Heh Vav Heh, is spoken without judgement, and even though it may be seen in horrific visions to destroy the ego and illumine the soul, it is always emitted with loving kindnesses, chassadim. What horrors that may lie in the vision of the souls life will touch the heart and inspire change and rectification, tikunim. For each vision makes the heart ever so more delicate and sensitive, more humane, more angelic, and as one transfigures more so from the visions of chokmah, the more the human soul becomes infused with the light and creative flow of the angels. Such visions haunt the souls awareness, piercing the subconscious to inspire change in accord with wisdom, as a dream like epiphany. These visions though they may be found in the meditations of the Kabbalah may come more slowly as the visions and Torah of life itself. But ever do they guide with the most loving kindness, the soul towards its own uniqueness, yechidah, and there in conscious unity with the divine being, ayin soph, it becomes clear what choices that one must make, or to attune to the choices the soul made before birth, ever so consciously, to fulfil the soul by acts of loving devotion and achieve peace, shalom. We are not here to find occult techniques to annihilate ourselves and dissolve into the the great ocean. We are here to act with loving devotion into the blessed world and towards each other. What selfish occultism draws the most grumpy recluse to find enlightenment alone without ever offering its symptoms and benedictions towards others? The path of the tzadiqim and the bodhisattvas hold the greatest devotion, overriding the desire to escape the suffering of this world into deathlessness, and embracing the Bhakti to guide all humanity to the righteous path, filled with chassadim, the greatest vision of love and kindness. The prophetic unfolding of ones soul along its path was set and given to you in the Eden before you were born. The stars gathered about the spark of orgasm that brought you into this world, and shaped your character and destiny by the zodiac and planets and inwardly by your own genetics. But as god gave us the gift of choice, we must constantly reconnect with our divine essence and uniqueness and remember that path, and choose to follow it consciously, and unfold along it, until the soul transfigures and becomes penetrated with the light of the angels. One becomes angelified, fulfilled, resurrected, and all because we choose to follow the path of loving devotion, and walk in the light of wisdom, Chokmah. Gavin Shri Amneon
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 13:25:33 +0000

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