In this clip, Mr. Comfort reports that 150,000 people die every 24 - TopicsExpress


In this clip, Mr. Comfort reports that 150,000 people die every 24 hours. Imagine if all of those dead bodies--men, women, and children of all ages, shapes, abilities, colors, nationalities and religions--were all piled into the same landfill every day. In ten days, there would be 1.5 Million bodies in the landfill. In 30 days--and note well that if you just paid your monthly bills, this would occur before your next monthly bill is even due--there would be 4.5 Million bodies in the landfill. In little more than two months, the landfill would hold 10 MILLION dead people. AND IF YOU PASSED THE TEST IN THE PREVIOUS POST, YOU WOULD KNOW THAT EVERY ONE OF THOSE 10 MILLION DEAD PEOPLE WHO HAD HIS OR HER OWN SOUL IS GOING TO BE RE-BORN INTO CONDEMNATION, AKA HELL, IN A NEW BODY. Whether or not it is the last body sent to Hell is a decision God leaves to every soul--will the soul ONCE AGAIN deal TREACHEROUSLY with God before conception (killing God opportunistically and stealing the right to sin)? Or will the soul RELENT, and ATTEMPT to deal FAIRLY (albeit illogically) with God before conception (offering his own life in exchange for taking the right to sin by killing God)? God knows. Which is why God can plan ahead ETERNALLY for every unrepentant sinners future lives of punishment, ie, its why karma--an eye for an eye Justice, or as Jesus put it, the measure you give will be the measure you get--can be time-delayed, with punishments for todays sins even extending into future generations. And THATS the way to reconcile the language in the Second Commandment at Exodus 20:5 (for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me) with the language at Ezekiel 18:20 (The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son)! In other words, NO ONE ELSES SOUL suffers for your sins (suffering means TO BE PUNISHED for your sin), but rather, YOUR OWN SONS--this means YOU, AS YOUR UNREPENTANT SOUL IS JOINED TO NEW BODIES AND YOUR ARE RE-BORN INTO FUTURE GENERATIONS--will be punished for your own sins until you repent of them and enter Gods kingdom. How all of this relates to this clip is that, as usual, Mr. Comfort proves Gods existence by obtaining peoples ADMISSIONS OF LAWLESSNESS, then (because he is spreading the gospel, ie, his TEST is for CHRISTIANS or would-be CHRISTIANS), he asks the relevant question (Im paraphrasing): DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE LEGAL IMPLICATIONS OF JESUS DEATH ON THE CROSS? Mr. Comfort is careful to STRESS that TWO THINGS are necessary to avoid Hell: (1) REPENTANCE FROM SINS (that means CEASING TO SIN ALTOGETHER); and (2) TRUSTING IN THE SAVIOR. Those two things are altogether True (the savior is God on earth.) But again, he leaves it up to the Christian or would-be Christian TEST-TAKER to answer the question about Jesus: DO YOU UNDERSTAAAAAAAAND THE LEGAL IMPLICATIONS OF JESUS DEATH ON THE CROSS? In other words, if you say that Jesus took the punishment for your sins (REPENTED-OF sins, otherwise no matter what you say, youre going to Hell if you die), which is WHY God can Legally dismiss your case, then the BURDEN OF UNDERSTANDING THE LEGAL IMPLICATIONS OF JESUS DEATH--HOW JESUS DEATH IS *NECESSARY* TO GIVE GOD LEGAL CAUSE TO FORGIVE YOUR REPENTED-OF SINS--IS A BURDEN YOU MUST BEAR. And as I explained yesterday, GOOD LUCK WITH THAT, because Justice-by-human-sacrifice-of-the-innocent-on-behalf-of-the-guilty has no LEGAL basis (not to mention no common sense basis!) And again, no matter what ELSE you say or do, youre not going to REALIZE that fact (or care) unless and until you STOP HARDENING YOUR HEART AGAINST GOD and you START THINKING MORE ABOUT JUSTICE *FOR ALL* than you think about HOW TO KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER WITHOUT ANYONE YOU KNOW FINDING OUT THAT YOU ARE A SERIAL KILLER. Period.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 18:10:23 +0000

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