In this month or October, our focus will be Revival and - TopicsExpress


In this month or October, our focus will be Revival and restoration. The Lord is calling us to stand at the crossroads and seek for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it, so that we can find rest for our souls (Jer 6:16). The word revival refers to “an increase in the activity of something after a long period of no growth of activity. It may also mean “to receive again a life which has almost expired, or to rekindle into frame the vital spark that was nearly extinguished”. True revival is centered in Jesus Christ. It aims at exalting Him, overcoming worldly temptations, defeating the power of sin and all manner of evil, renewed focus to the scriptures, re-awakening of faith in God, increased commitment, giving, spiritual consciousness, as well as growth in the love for Christ and in humble love toward one another. Revival is about spiritual restoration as opposed to spiritual gymnastics witnessed in the modern church. As we seek to go back to biblical worship, discipleship, mission and ministry, we must never lose the fact that true revival is brought about by God through the Holy Spirit and happens in the church that continuously seek repentance and re-dedication to the Lord. Revival brings back life and power to the church. As we experience true revival, we shall recapture the spiritual fervor of the early church and effectively love the Lord our God with all our hearts and with all our souls and with all our minds and also love our neighbors as ourselves (Matt 22:37-40). Consequently we shall reflect the image of Christ and draw many people into His Kingdom.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 12:10:47 +0000

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