In translating his verbiage for you, I found it necessary to - TopicsExpress


In translating his verbiage for you, I found it necessary to relinquish private and very personal information about the young woman accused of murdering him, (whom he calls the fair maiden in his script). She is as much a paradox as that era of the early seventies, hardly more than a teen-ager herself, when the curtain unrolled and put her, the prettiest girl those hillbillies had ever seen, in their living rooms, on their TV sets. It was an age when privileged, little upper class girls as she, stranded in the metamorphosis of those times, were taking baths again and packing make-up, but was still mildly under the influence of their hippie predecessors. A time when some college girls yet had snakes for pets and drove around town in braids with beatniks in auctioned-off ambulances and panel trucks, which were cool wheels to own. Since those work vans with a plumbers tools in the back were just beginning to be customized with pad and bed to appeal to the younger generation. I discovered the young lady was gifted with such renowned beauty, even a preacher in church could not see her in a pew and keep his mind on his sermon. Guys and gals alike were always touching her in jest, brushing shoulders with her, edging so close they were sleeve to sleeve, if she had sleeves, with the hope for skin to skin contact. The attraction may have been friendship, it may have been idolatry, passion may have been the motive. But she had fingerprints all over her. And saliva and teardrops and carbon monoxide and hot breath and bad breath. In fact, she looked very few people in the eye when she spoke to them because she developed a phobia that people who looked into her eyes wanted to kiss her on the mouth. If she looked someone in the eyes it meant she did not mind if they kissed her or she trusted they would not. But having received such affection since she was well under the legal age to drink or live out on her own, she became addicted to it, and for the sake of literature, for the sake to trespass no further on a young womans privacy, for reasons I know not altogether what; call it hypocrisy, call it big brother instincts, call it business apperception, call it what you may, I want not to anatomize the damsels aggressiveness with which she pursued both erotic and chummy-chummy attention when she did not receive it. Never the perfect child, she thought the world did not turn fast enough for most men and amused herself by spinning it like a top just to watch them topple. Such tumbles could be as simple as a man missing his bus or falling down a flight of stairs, or as devastating as an executive walking out in front of a freight truck or choking to death on a piece of rib-eye. It seems the young lady could not sit down and cross her legs in Texas without a cowboy falling out of his saddle, so to speak, but when private detectives placed her at the scene of two separate fatalities, it was found she had social connections with oil tycoons who benefited from the deaths. That she was questioned twice by Palace police, cleared on both counts, created complications when she reported young Frazier Paines death to a small town police force in the mountains, and when local reporters got wind of the news, the story knocked a renegade bear off the front page and sold newspapers for the next five months. The maiden had moved to the Tennessee Mountains to get away from the stress in Palace but here now a hillbilly was dead and immediately thereafter, oil was discovered in his creek. Who would show up at the ritzy hotels in Gatlinburg to bid for his property but her rich friends from Texas, at whose tables she had broke bread and in whose four door limo trucks she had been a frequent passenger. All of that led to courtroom drama which fed the publics thirst for scandal and gave a few personalities a spotlight to shine under, not unique to twentieth century America, but so magnified by television cameras, even the bailiff wore make-up, and spent most of the trial with his trigger finger resting on the handle of his gun.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 18:41:21 +0000

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