*Incoming rant. Any negative comments on this post will promptly - TopicsExpress


*Incoming rant. Any negative comments on this post will promptly be deleted. * Matthew 15:7-9 You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said: “‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’” One thing that has been on my mind a lot lately is this verse. There are so many that go to church for social life. There are many who are there only to seek out what benefits them. They speak with their lips but their actions- do not line up with their words. Some go to say they have gone. It is always so interesting to me on religious holidays how many people come out of the woodwork with so much religion. The biggest part of my faith is loving others and serving others. There is no one Jesus did not love. There is no one Jesus did not die for. There is no one that Jesus did not accept. There are no sins that are too large for the cross not to forgive. I havent gone to church since the last church hurt me so deeply. There are too many people who think that standing in a garage makes you a car- meaning- walking into a church doesnt make you a Christian. It is hard for me to trust people in general and even more so after the amount of pain I felt and betrayal from people I thought were my siblings in Christ. Fellow Christians should never treat each other that way. That does go for me as well. Since then I have strived to be a better person and to have my actions line up with what I believe. I try so hard to make decisions that Jesus would be proud of. I wont walk away when I see someone in need- be it physical or emotional. I find so much satisfaction and joy in helping and serving others. I can pray, worship and grow closer to God in the mountains, valleys and parks around me as much as I can inside of a church. I miss church and specifically that one even though I know I wouldnt be welcomed back. I have definitely put up a lot more walls though and find it very hard to be completely me. Raw. Honest. Emotional. Because, after being judged so harshly (and so so wrongly!) and by Christians at that... I feel there is no one I can trust to accept me as me. Which is sad. Because that, at its rawest form, is exactly what Jesus did. What he died for and rose again on this Holy day for. My sins. Your sins. Our rawness, our realness, our complete and utter bare souls.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 05:38:11 +0000

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