Indeed the ahl ul bidah* are worst than the disbelievers! *Ahl ul - TopicsExpress


Indeed the ahl ul bidah* are worst than the disbelievers! *Ahl ul bidah are people of innovation e.g. khawarij i.e. ISIS/AQ, Anwar al awlaki etc Ibn Al-Jawzee (rahimahullah) said: Abul-Wafaa Alee Ibn Aqeel said: Our Shaikh Abul-Fadl Al-Hamdhaanee said: The innovators in Islaam and the fabricators of ahaadeeth are worse than the disbelievers. This is because the disbelievers attempt to corrupt the Religion from the outside, whereas these individuals attempt to corrupt it from the inside. They take the similitude of the inhabitants of a land, who strive to corrupt its condition (from the inside), while the disbelievers take the similitude of raiders laying siege to the land from the outside. Thus it is the ones on the inside that open the doors of the land’s surrounding barrier (and let the besiegers in). These types (of people) are far worse to Islaam than the ones who dont attribute themselves to it. [Al-Mawdooaat: 1/51] Online source: spubs/sps/sp.cfm?subsecID=BDH05&articleID=BDH050002&articlePages=1 Shaykh Bin Baaz rahimahullah said: The majority (of the fuqahaa) hold the view that they (the khawaarij) are sinners, innovators in the religion, and are astray. However, they do not declare them to be disbelievers, but the correct view is that they (the khawaarij) are disbelievers due to this. video.dusunnah/innovations/al-khawarij/who-are-the-khawarij-are-they-disbelievers-or-muslims-shaykh-abd-al-aziz-ibn-baz/
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 23:28:02 +0000

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