Indiewires annual calendar of twelve top doc-fests with their - TopicsExpress


Indiewires annual calendar of twelve top doc-fests with their respective deadlines: DocPoint: Held in snowy, friendly Helsinki, DocPoint, which just concluded in January, is Nordic-centric, but also attracts films from around the world. (Jan. 27-Feb. 1, 2015) True/False Film Festival: This one takes place in Columbia, Missouri. It just wrapped at the end of February, with films shown over a four day window. Its a well-curated, more intimate alternative to Sundance. Documentary Fortnight – The Museum of Modern Art just concluded its 12th annual two-week showcase of new trends in nonfiction. Its a museum series, so no instant community gets formed. Held in March each year. Full Frame Documentary Film Festival: Set in Durham, North Carolina, this fest is a four-day marathon of over 100 docs, as well as discussions and panels. Its set within a four-block radius, so its very easy to navigate (April 3-6). Hot Docs: Even in a city rife with film festivals, this one’s a Toronto standout, marking the spring bloom of international nonfiction and a forum at which ideas get sold, and bought. It’s coming up quickly (April 24-May 4). Visions du Reel – Among the more prestigious nonfiction festivals worldwide, this event, held in Nyon, Switzerland, originally concentrated on Swiss film, and the largely unavailable cinema of the Eastern Bloc. It is now open to fare from everywhere, while retaining a very Swiss personality. (April 25-May 3). Doc Aviv: The only festival in Israel devoted strictly to docs, it showcases Israeli film, but includes select global cinema (May 8-17). AFI Docs: Formerly titled SilverDocs, this fest was created by AFI and the Discovery Channel, and is held every year in Silver Spring, Maryland and Washington DC. Its held for five days each June. The locals come out for it, much as they do for TIFF. Sheffield DocFest—Now 20 years old and the UK’s biggest nonfiction festival (third in the world), Sheffield concentrates on both docs and digital media. Much beloved. (June 7-12). Camden International Film Festival: Based in Camden, Rockport and Rockland, Maine, this fest takes place over the last weekend of September. It was created in 2005. Its also home to the Points North Documentary Forum, which gives filmmakers access to professional development. Screens about 80 docs and shorts annually. A joy to attend. DOC NYC: Running each November at NYCS IFC Center, this doc fest helps Academy members narrow down the vast array of documentaries over the course of a given year before the Oscar shortlist and nominations are announced. Lots of doc camaraderie. IDFA: The grandpa of doc fests – or perhaps grandma, given director Ally Derks longtime reign over this Amsterdam blowout – hosts more films that any other documentary festival, and is the annual meeting place for much of the international doc community. Downside for Americans: It always straddles Thanksgiving (November 19-24). Source: blogs.indiewire/thompsononhollywood/guide-to-documentary-film-festivals#.Uyg-4I7ayVM.facebook
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 14:07:36 +0000

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