Interesting Article: characteristics of people who lie and how - TopicsExpress


Interesting Article: characteristics of people who lie and how to find out characteristics of people who lie Defensiveness is one of the greatest qualities: Have you ever faced and spoke with someone and feel that there is something to hide or not say the truth? When it comes to things that are important , of course, a lie can cause great problems . Then , have you ever watched yourself when youre lying ? What do you do and in what way you tell a lie ? Often we do not realize that there are attitudes and certain gestures when someone is lying . If this is realized , then it is likely the person will lie very good at lying . But for those who are less able to act , consciously lie to hide it will cause stiffness and became known signal indicative easy lies. Well , for those of us who want to know that someone is lying or not , be aware of these things can make it easier to detect Way and will be delivered the following characteristics is not without foundation . If you observe , and likes to watch movies , soap operas , dramas , or any event that is wrapped with acting , you definitely do agree that all the actors / actresses are lying . Right? They re not being true to themselves and portray characters and stories created . There are convincing , some are dubious . Well , based on a little bit of what I learned in the world of theater and psychology , I know people lie following : 1 . Know the way he usually speaks As a friend , you must know how usually friends or people you know when to speak . There are things that are typical of every person when utter something , whether sad , happy , angry , and so forth . This characteristic is usually followed by a special gesture , such as the lips , hands , body , eyes , eyebrows and other things that have differences with each other . In ways that are not the same in a way that is usually done when talking could be the first clue . 2 . Note pressures in speech patterns A person who is under pressure and psychological insistence also came under pressure as a particular physical impact. For example, increased heart rate and blood flow quickly . It affects other physical activity , in this case speaking activity . People who lie tend to have a tone and unreasonable pressure . This is due to the pressures and considerations in mind that the tug states lie . In essence , states that deception is naturally going to put pressure on the state at once psychological, physical , and mental . Therefore , the pressure appears larger , 3 . Take a look at some of the signs and gestures ( gestures ) appear special . Here are some signs and gestures that are often found in people who are lying ; Gestures are minimal or not moving at all or moving it to excess . People who are lying tend to freeze , not often faced with the speaker , and trying to minimize body movement . There is also the fact bergrak excessive . All of it is an attempt to avoid the appearance of the signs that he is lying . However , it is precisely ni can also be an indication that someone is lying . There is no eye contact . People are being lied to often avoid eye contact . Instinctively, he will avoid the gaze of the other. Eye contact in speech is a supporter and also store additional information when talking . By making eye contact , someone who is being lied to capture the signal information that is out of sync with what was said . That is why there is also scientific knowledge then read the minds of others through eye contact . Gesture other body parts that show distress . For example mengkukur2 , plays fingernails , excessive wink , swallow repeatedly , and other movements done repeatedly . Feeling scared , nervous , uncomfortable , and the idea of what would happen if he was known to lie to make people experience high pressure and do things that actually showed anxiety . Look to the upper right . Seeing this direction as the associated business and process for hiring the right brain to come up with the imagination , which is the effort to create the fabric of the story based on what she had told . Instead , look to the left in an attempt to call a memory disosiasikan to declare the truth / the real fabric of the story . Wide-open eyes and a look of innocent ( not guilty ) . Habits in childhood that we still carry today is as wide open eyes and make the innocent look , as if to say , Who ? .... Im guilty ? This is often done at the time we were kids when mama caught no big packet of bread missing from the refrigerator . ! ( ^ ^ ) Talk stuttering ( paused ) . Not everyone has a great talent in making a story and speak fluently when lying . So , often encountered conversation stopped for a moment and in a tempo that is not fair . Usually occurs when a part of a hoax about to leveled , when he was trying to fabricate a story interwoven . This is where the story usually began delivered inconsistent and changeable. Touching the face or nose and mouth shut . This is also the default since childhood , which is a reflective response when someone wants to cover up something . High tone . People who lie tend to raise the tone. As well as business information submitted asserts , emotions rise , and high pressure . It would be very easy to know when you have to know the other person speaking habits . 4 . Reduce / eliminate the information that must be submitted . Lying is not only to say things that are not real , but also by eliminating information that should be said on the other person . This indication is actually more easily identified because the information is usually braid / or stories submitted become whole and raises many questions . Those signals above still appears . After convey information in the style of convincing , he will do certain gestures - gestures , such as touching the nose or mouth / face . 5 . Ask people who you suspect is lying . Of course this would also invite great risk . If , it turns out you do not lie to the other person , then this method will bring adverse effects . Therefore , use this method Juka you have gained a lot of signs on top and you are absolutely sure that you have the other person is lying . However , leave and do not ask any person who is lying will also have dire consequences , especially for the perpetrator . Therefore , this is also a way that the solution lies confessed perpetrator and the problem can then look for a solution to be resolved . 6 . Use Intuition . Believe it or not , humans have created intuition . In addition , humans were created to tell the truth . Therefore man is basically difficult to perform and difficult to lie lied . Intuition is totally different from lust , because lust associated with desire , so it is subjective . While intuition be objective and not based on the desire . So feel cheated and lied prejudice is not the same . Before believe you lied to yourself , ask yourself if this is because of prejudice or because your intuition . Even if you ultimately do not know if you are being lied to by the evidence , but at least you know that someone seemed to lie to you so that you will not believe it for granted. Posted by kepingan logam on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 - Rating: 4.5 Title : characteristics of people lie and how to find out Description : Have you ever faced and spoke with someone and feel that there is something to hide or not ...
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 21:41:58 +0000

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