Interesting. Ive been reading an old book on the trial of John - TopicsExpress


Interesting. Ive been reading an old book on the trial of John Peter Zenger. In 1734 he was charged with libel and imprisoned because of a law that allowed public officials to do so if they published any criticism of a public official. Zenger did so in a newspaper he published and government officials used the law to silence the voice of the people and hold on to their controls over them. Zenger was defended by a man named Andrew Hamilton who had the audacity to actually challenge the law itself proving that it was the law that was corrupt, not Zenger; That it was the law that was committing a crime against the people, not the printer. The jury agreed and in minutes they came back with a not guilty verdict freeing Zenger even though according to the law Zenger was guilty of the charges placed against him by the government. Without due process that included a jury of his peers, Zenger would have been found guilty. 25 years later, James Otis argued against the Writs of Assistance in Boston again challenging a law that was in place that shielded and gave protection to public officials to abuse the rights of the people. Nothing about the Boston Tea Party was legal yet it is still recognized as a critical moment in the history of the Revolution and the midnight ride of Paul Revere and others was an act of sedition, an unlawful act of treason against the governing powers and their law. In Fact, the signers of our Declaration stood up to Imperial Law and declared their independence, fully aware that what they were doing was a blatant act of civil disobedience to the law of the land. As an interesting sidenote, they did so in a building that had been designed by Andrew Hamilton, the lawyer who defended Zenger. Before the first shot was fired in the war for Independence the battle was already being fought by people who worked to expose laws written to suppress the voice of the people. Throughout history the law has often been used to pervert justice and the will of the people in order to protect the ruling class and silence the commoner.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 15:22:47 +0000

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