Interesting read. Here are my thoughts: I do not agree with the - TopicsExpress


Interesting read. Here are my thoughts: I do not agree with the statement that capitalism is the best economic system we will ever device. But lets just say it is. What happened in 2008? Was the housing market crash integral to the capitalist system of making ever bigger profits? What is the state of the capitalist societies around the globe now? Do you feel that the fact that the world wide gross net income is a factor of 3 smaller then the supposed money that floats around the globe is a sign that capitalism works in a finite world? Hanauer states, that a checked capitalist economy can be good for society. Do we have checked capilist economy? Its all about supply and demand, right? So if you have your workforce to offer in the marketplace, you can just simply decide where you want to go to get the best offer, right? Do you really think, that that is the case? In a capitalist society, there are two major resources: work and capital. The huge problem, that people most often dont understand and completly ignore is the fact, that one of those resources has certain underlying conditions, that need to be met, ibefore they can be generated. What do i mean by that? Have you tried denying a job offer when you know that you will starve to death, if you do not accept? This is the major issue here! We are living in a time where society is leaning more towards a feudal system than a checked balanced capitalist one. The ones with capital dont have any pressure on them when it comes to meeting their basic needs. However, the number of people that are threatened by the mere fact, that they do not have the saftey of knowing there will be food on the table the next day is ever growing! Why is that? How did it come to this? I think it is inherent in the capitalist economic system in the way it incentiveses reckless, ruthless behaviour which iwll grant the biggest profit and the biggest capital gain. It means that people without a social conscience get to the top of society. Trying to appeal to their humanity is fruitless, because it is not want they want or are looking for. Why do you think police forces across the world are being upgraded with left over military equipment? It is because the idea that pitch forks will be coming has already popped up years ago and a consensus was made to meet those with superior force. As commendable as this article is, it is nothing but an entertaining read with no consequences. Mr Hanauer, if you want the future to not be what you expect it to be, you need to do more then write an article. Do you need your wealth? Do you need your multiple homes, your huge yacht? If you are genuine in your desire to fent of the future, you need to take bigger steps. You are way behind your fellow .01%ers. And they rather have a feudal system with them at the top and the world thrown back into the middleages then to lead the way into another brighter future for everyone. It is your decision. You can write articles from one of your multiple homes or your yacht or private yet, or you can actualy get up and do something real. politico/magazine/story/2014/06/the-pitchforks-are-coming-for-us-plutocrats-108014_Page4.html#.U62zVvl5N8E
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 18:31:19 +0000

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