Interview Questions: 1. How long have you been dancing? “Ive - TopicsExpress


Interview Questions: 1. How long have you been dancing? “Ive been dancing since I was about 7 years old but I only started taking it seriously when I turned 16.” 2. What got you into dancing? “My cousin used to be a dancer and he would always show me breakdancing moves and all these body waves. So i always wanted be like him.” 3. What dancer(s) inspire you? “Popping hyun joon, Keone & Mari Madrid, my cousin, Moon, Mike Song, Hokuto Konishi, Bboy Taisuke, Chris Brown, Lyle Beniga, Steve Terada, Kolanie Marks, Eric Ardila, Francois Pruneau, Anthony Lee, Seo Taiji, Aye Hasegawa, Hong 10, Kyle Hanagami, Jinjo crew, Jawn Ha, S**T Kingz, and many more...” 4. Do you hope to become a professional dancer or is it just a hobby? “I want to eventually become a professional dancer because I want to experience and feel like all the other professional dancers out there that have people that look up to them. It gives them an opportunity to express themselves and show their own unique styles.” 5. Why do you love to dance? “Its crazy but it makes me feel like I can create my own world and bring to life my imaginations through dance. Like for example, you are thinking about a robot so you want to bring it to life so youre going to start doing all the stiff movements that a robot does. Therefore bringing your imaginations to life because not only are you imitating these movements but youre so focused that youre in your own world.” 6. What kind of emotions do you feel/give off when you dance? “I feel like when I dance, I forget about all the stress I have and all the problems I have to deal with in my own personal life. Its like if youve been dealing with a lot of work during the day and all of a sudden youre just so focused in dancing that you forget about everything else in life. So I guess its more like a stress reliever.” 7. Do you hope to inspire others to dance too? “Definitely because if ever I become a professional dancers like the people that inspired me or that I look up too, I would want the people that look up to me and say something like: woow I wish I could do that! Or Man I want to be like him one day.” 8. What are some of your goals for dance? “I have many goals as a dancer like: winning a gold medal in an international dance competition, to teach workshops, to go on tour with my favourite choreographers, to become a professional, to be able to create something unique that separates me or the crew to others out there, and etc.” 9. Do you take any other styles of dance or not? If not, would you like to try any other style? “Well my main style is hip hop but I took other classes like contemporary, breakdancing, whacking, popping and jazz. I would definitely like to expand more in many different styles especially in breakdancing.” 10. How do you feel when you perform? “Very nervous! When I am backstage I’m shaking like crazy but once we get on stage and the music starts playing and you hear the crowd screaming and cheering at you is an amazing feeling. It gives you that extra energy that makes you feel like you can keep on going forever. It basically feels like an adrenaline.” 11. What keeps you from not quitting dance, in other words: what inspires you to keep on dancing? “My ultimate goal to eventually become a professional dancer. It inspires me because even though I know that its a difficult path to follow, I dont want to quit it and then a few years later look at some of my friends that kept on going and say to myself that I could have been as good as them if I had never quit dancing.” 12. Do you have any dancer role models? “Well basically the S**T Kings crew. I want to become as good as them and have a crew that coordinates as well as them.” 13. What is your favorite part about Dancing? “Being able to show on stage whatever we have worked hard on and being able to see the result of where the hard work has gotten us to.” 14. What are the difficulties when it comes to dancing (for yourself and being in a group)? “In a group is the cooperation with the members and having the same motivations in dance especially in a new formed group. As for me, it’s to catch up with all the professionals or to live up to the teachers expectations to what they hope for us to accomplish.” 15. What has been your favorite dance performance? “It was when I performed at World of Dance. Because I would remember that I would always watch professionals perform there and wish that I would one day be able to perform at the same stage (or event) so I finally had the opportunity. Its my favourite performance because I never taught I would have the chance to dance there.” 16. What was your worst dance moment? “Worse dance moment was when I was about 16 and I just started taking it seriously. I was still new to all this choreography stuff and memorizing an entire dance so I wasnt really able to do it. I went to my first workshop which was with Chachi Gonzales. It was literally packed with a ridiculous amount of dancers. And everybody amazed me on how good they were and how fast they learned. So I was having trouble keeping up with the choreography and at the end of the class, she divided the room in 3 groups so each group had to perform in front of another. I completely had no idea what I was doing and everybody seemed to had the choreo down except for me. On top of that I wanted to challenge myself so I stood in front where it was most visible and I felt like I completely embarrassed myself. Surprisingly, I actually learned something that helped me grow as a dancer ever since that day. I learned to get out of my comfort zone and start getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.” 17. What has dance taught you? “Dance has taught me many things like being organized, getting my stuff done on time, being precise to every little detail, being humble, to work hard, to not give up, and many other things.” 18. How often do you dance? “I practice dancing about 1hr per day by myself whenever I get the chance. But I have a fixed schedule of dancing 6hrs a week at the studio.” 19. What is your favorite style of dance to perform or watch? Why? “Hip-hop because first of all its my main style. Second, it gives me more ideas from people who do things I never taught of. And also because I like the music more because it pumps me up.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 05:49:13 +0000

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