Introduction: Arvind Kejriwal’s dubious funding sources There - TopicsExpress


Introduction: Arvind Kejriwal’s dubious funding sources There is no denying the fact that Arvin Kejriwal , a newly commissioned secula anarchist romping across India’s political theatre has confounded many analysts and political pundits. His emergence as a motor-mouth political kno all requires an in-depth analysis. By now most Indians know that Kejriwa and his political gorilla, Aam Aadmi Part have been funded and sired by the Centra Intelligence Agency of the USA through i powerful financial arm, the Ford Foundation. Even so, the truth about the funding of AAP by some foreign-based anti-India forces has not fully reached the crores of marginalized hoi polloi, trapped in hunger and penury, across rural India. There has been media spotlight on an NGO Kabir, run by Kejriwal and his closest confidante Manish Sisodia and other camp followe It is alleged that Kejri’s Kabir had receiv a financial largesse totaling $ 3,97,000 as grants from the Ford Foundation. Another prominent member of AAP Yogendra Yadav ,a former Fellow of the Centre for Developing Societies, New Delhi, has allegedly received substanti funds from Ford Foundation through the ICSSR. Similarly some other members AAP have allegedly received funds fro some dubious sources. Admittedly Kejriwal is a sharp-shooter strategist who knows his onions well. But the successful debut of AAP on the political horizon during Delhi Assembl elections did expose another secret relationship of Team Kejri with our hostil neighbour which needs to be made pub and debated. In addition to the Ford Foundation, Kejriwal has perhaps som more powerful foreign connections, to maybe in West Asia and possibly even in Pakistan! Kejriwal pampers fundamentalist Muslim clerics The unusual success of the Aam Aadmi Party in the Delhi elections had caused tectonic tremors across the country. especially in the ranks of the BJP brass who were caught napping. No wonder the party paid a high price for not bei able to read the tea leaves of AAP narrative and its crafty founder, Kejriwal, who stonewalled the formation a BJP government in the national capital. The rise and rise of Kejriwal began wi his well planned and timely associatio with the anti-corruption movement of Anna Hazare launched in April 2011, f enacting the Lok Pal Bill. Interestingly neither Anna nor most of his associates except perhaps to some extent Kiran Bedi, could decipher Kejriwal’s ultra- clever game plan. The clue to the shape of things to come w reflected in Kejri’s meetings with the Ima of Jama Masjid and other Muslim leaders whose instance in the third week of Augu 2011, Bharat Mata’s portrait was suddenl removed from Anna’s stage and replaced with the likeness of Gandhiji . The shrew implications of this “meaningful” change was neither analysed nor understood either by our unpaid or ‘paid’ media or by the BJP. In this context, the Shahi Imam of Jama Masjid disclosed that Hazare’s team members h also asked him to share the stage with the at Ramlila Maidan but he was not inclin to go there. He claimed to have told Kejri that “ if you want to include Muslims in your movement, you will als have to understand their pain and problems, and you would do well to also highlight issues of concern to Muslims, He further added that the greater evil in the country was communalism whic should be addressed first. Additionally, Imam Bukhari told Kejri and his teammates that communal powers wer also participating in their campaign d to which it was difficult for Muslims to join them. Equally surprising was the ignorance o our political analysts on the import of Kejri’s sudden but meaningful two ho long meeting with the fundamentalist fatwa-issuing cleric, Maulana Tauqeer Raza Khan of Bareilly, who had issued a ‘fatwa’ in 2007 promising a reward for forcing Taslima Nasreen to burn her book and leave India. Earlier in the March 2006, the same cleric had issued a ‘fatw for beheading the American President George Bush when he visited India. Though clever Kejri tried to dismiss hi meeting with the notorious Maulana a a courtesy call, the latter was more frank. He admitted that Kejriwal had come to his house for a 2 hours long meeting with him. In fact, he showered praise on Arvind Kejriwal in the following words: “Kejriwal came to meet me at my resid liked his simplicity. He is against the and BJP. This is a common factor bet and I assured him of my support” According to a reliable source, Maulan Tauqeer had reportedly agreed to addr some meetings in Delhi for AAP. The plan was, however, changed at the instance of Kejriwal who decided to us his favourite SMS route to reach and win the Muslim voters. Now, Maulana Tauqeer is the head of fundamentalist outfit called the Ittehad Millat Council which is closely associated with several fundamentalist organizations in India and abroad. No wonder, at the height of the campaign for the Delhi assembly, a group of prominent Musli clerics and leaders held a conference i Delhi in November 2013. Thereafter Kejriwal’s time-tested SMS plan was p into operation for winning Muslim voters. Under the guidance of a newly formed outfit, United Muslim Forum , approximately 15 lakh text messages were sent to Muslim voters, urging the to vote for AAP and not to vote for Congress. Twenty-five teams tasked wi campaigning for AAP and against the Congress were sent to various constituencies of the Delhi Assembly. These teams had a significant Muslim presence. The forum, which had the blessings of Maulana Tauqeer and ma other Muslim leaders, also distributed campaign material on ‘Congress misdeeds’ and gave advertisements in Delhi’s Urdu newspapers which are the staple reading material of the Muslim community. ‘Vote for AAP, not Congres the ads proclaimed loudly. Any reference to the BJP was avoided because the campaigners knew that no Muslim will vote for the politically pariahed saffron party. Kejriwal’s seamy side exposed The most seamy side of the Kejriwal’s narrative was, however, laid bare in article posted by a Baloch journalist, Aamna Shahwani in The Afghanistan Times , Kabul, on 4 March, 2014. Briefly, the well-researched article highlighted the following facts to whic the eternal Quiz Master Kejriwal must respond: 1. After Kejri’s AAP won 28 seats out o the 70, the Pakistani media was full of praise for AAP. Although the BJP had won a few more seats than the AAP, th well known Pakistani newspaper Dawn totally ignored it but emphasized the AAP victory by frontpaging the news. The Pakistani media also started praising Kejriwal for his spectacular success. No one knows why Kejri beca a darling of of Pakistani chatterati. 2. There were celebrations in different cities of Pakistan, especially in the Pakistan-administered Kashmir. Can Kejri explain what led the jihadi tribe t laud and celebrate AAP’s political debu in Delhi Assembly elections? 3. There was a big spurt in the online donations from Pakistanis to AAP. According to Aamna , more support was likely come to AAP from Pakistan because the ISI wants to have a puppet regime in New Delhi. Surely, why there was a sudden spurt in online donations for AAP from Pakistan needs to be explained to the Indian masses? 4. In February 2014, the ga-ga-singing Pakistani journalists and media groups interviewed Kejri. Even the Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif, proclaimed that the victory of Kejri wil help in resolving the Kashmir dispute. What made Kejriwal a darling of the Pakistani politicians? 5. The prime reason for Pakistan’s lov for Kejri and AAP is their anti-India stand on the Kashmir dispute. The Baloch columnist Aamna pointed out th at least three members of AAP had delivered anti-India and pro-secessionist statements on Kashmir, including the opti of referendum or plebiscite voiced by Prashant Bhushan . Why do the AAP activists have a pro-secessionist approach on Kashmir? 6. It needs to be observed that AAP has many members who had pleaded for sparing the life of Ajmal Kasab who was convicted for waging war against Indi on 26/11 in Mumbai. Kejri must explai why AAP leaders had a soft corner for Ajmal Kasab. 7. Aamna Shahwani has also alleged th no attempt was made by Kejriwal during his regime to recover the long pending electricity bills running into several lakh rupees from the Shahi Imam of Jama Masjid. Was the soft corner of the AAP leadership towards the Shahi Imam of Jama Masjid for not making any attemp to recover the long pending electricity bills occasioned by his proximity to the radical Islamists’ vote bank? 8. After the post-poll alliance with the Congress Party, Kejriwal forgot his earlie charge sheet against the former Chief Minister, Sheila Dikshit. Further, AAP al removed earlier posts charging Sheila Dikshit with mammoth bribery from their website. Why? 9. While addressing a gathering of Muslims at the Islamic Centre in New Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal publicly pronounced that communalism was a bigger threat than even corruption. He suddenly changed his focus like the shifting sands of Arabia and started parroting the same communal rhetoric which had been voiced by the Imam of Jama Masjid in August 2011. What caused this sudden somersault from hi focus on his favourite issue of corrupti to the so-called communalism? 10. It was further pointed out that a ne entrant to AAP, Rajmohan Gandhi– a grandson of Mahatma Gandhi–had launched a campaign in the USA for releasing the notorious ISI spy, Ghulam Nabi Fai. Equally, why did some members of the AAP openly campaign favour of mercy for Afzal Guru who w sentenced to death for the December, 2001, attack on the Indian Parliament The ISI’s honeybee Although it is difficult to identify the hand(s) responsible for nurturing and financing the self-confessed anarchist Kejriwal and his AAP, it will be pertine to recall that Adrian Levy and Cathy Scott had highlighted in their extensive researched tome, The Seige, that Major Iqbal of the ISI had boasted about planting in India of a super spy agent codenamed “Honeybee.” The Pakistani Major had further revealed that there wa a retinue of chuhes (i.e., rats) working for the ISI across India. Prima facie, till now the Intelligence Bureau does not appear to have made any worthwhile attempt to trace and arrest the so-called Honeybee and his her rats. An alert was, however, sounded by the Bureau in January 2014, warning that the ISI and LeT were trying t infiltrate into Indian political parties. I the circumstances, the startling revelations made by Aamna Shahwani The Afghanistan Times on March 4, 2014, certainly point to the urgent requirement of identifying the hidden hand of Pakistan’s Honeybee. Indeed, the facts-rich article of Aamna Shahwani published in The Afghanista Times on March 4, 2014, has cited more than one proof of the AAP being funded a supported by the ISI of Pakistan. Finally the ‘communal cat’ jumped out Kejriwal’s ‘secular topi’’ when recently the Washington-based Association of Indian Muslims of America issued an “ appeal to Indian Muslim citizens and voters to raise funds for and support A Aadmi Party ” in the upcoming parliamentary elections of 2014. Showering encomiums on the Aam Aadmi Party the press release of American Indian Muslims Association displayed Kejriwal’s photograph and h famous ‘broom’ to enthuse the Muslim voters. The press release claimed that AAP will help the deprived Muslim community escape the police brutality, denial of justice, etc. Add to this the vigorous efforts for online fund collection made by Kejriwal’s trusted lieutenant, Shazia Il during her visit to the Middle East in February, 2014. While Kejriwal and hi cabinet sat on a dharna at Rail Bhawa Shazia Ilmi went touring abroad to collect funds to enable her party to fig the 2014 general elections. Kejriwal needs to answer his Pak connection The time has come for the anarchist Kejriwal and his team mates to respon truthfully to the questions raised by Aamna Shahwani. They must come cle now to dispel the doubts troubling the minds of millions of patriotic Indians, especially when there are hush-hush rumours in the Lutyens garden city about Kejriwal’s proximity to the Political Adviser of the UPA Chairperson and som prominent members of the National Advisory Council ! The ISI and many other spy agencies have been using the methodology of bogus online funding to destabilise nations hostile to them. According to knowledgeable foreign sources, several members of the American Indian Muslims Association were in close touch with the I of Pakistan through Dr.Ghulam Fai of Kashmiri American Council, who was arrested by the United States police in Jul 2011 on charges of illegal activities and espionage. Interestingly the shadowy P agent Dr. Fai was also responsible for getting bogus online funds rolled over the ISI through online donations for promoting the cause of Kashmiri secessionists. The Federal Bureau of Investigation discovered that he was i regular touch with Abdul Majeed Tramb and Nazir Ahmad Shawl who ran the Kashmir Centres in Brussels and Lond respectively. Bogus online funding is a well known trick used for espionage. Surprisingly, during the last one year, Indian intelligence agencies have mad no worthwhile attempt to unravel the mysterious rise of AAP nor questioned the sources of the outfit’s remarkable success in fund-raising across West Asi and Pakistan. They have also miserabl failed to identify and capture the ISI’s ‘Honeybee’ and Major Iqbal’s chuhe operating in India. The politicization o the Intelligence Bureau and other security agencies cannot be ruled out. *********
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 02:29:48 +0000

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