Introduction to Luke: Is bible the Gods word, the revelation or a - TopicsExpress


Introduction to Luke: Is bible the Gods word, the revelation or a fabrication. Read this from wikipedia. According to the preface,[1] the purpose of Luke is to write a historical account,[2] while bringing out the theological significance of the history. [3] Nevertheless, ancient authors emphasized plausibility rather than truth and mixed intentional fiction in with their biography; the claim that the evangelist wrote with historical intentions does not guarantee the preservation of historical facts.[4] The writer divides history into three stages: The first ends with John the Baptist, the second consists of Jesus earthly ministry, and the third is the life of the church after Jesus resurrection. [5] The author attests that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. This is consistent with all the authors of the New Testament writings. Here, Jesus compassion extends to all mankind. The Gospel of Luke is written as a historical narrative. Certain popular stories, such as the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan, are found only in this gospel. This account also has a special emphasis on prayer, the activity of the Holy Spirit, women, and joyfulness.[6] Jesus is presented as the Son of God, but attention is especially paid to the humanity of Jesus, featuring his compassion for the weak, the suffering, and the outcast. The author is traditionally identified as Luke the Evangelist.[7] Modern scholarship generally rejects the view that Luke was the original author,[8] with the most that could be said being that Lukan authorship is not impossible.[9] While the traditional view that Luke authored the gospel is still often put forward, a number of possible contradictions between Acts and Pauls letters lead many scholars to dispute this account.[10][11] and for some the author remains unknown.[5] Biblical Scholars are in wide agreement that the author of the Gospel of Luke also wrote the Acts of the Apostles.[12] Many believe that these two books originally constituted a two-volume work,[13] [14][15] which scholars refer to as Luke-Acts.[16] Most modern critical scholarship concludes that Luke used the Gospel of Mark for his chronology and a hypothetical sayings source Q document for many of Jesus teachings. Luke may also have drawn from independent written records.[17] Traditional Christian scholarship has dated the composition of the gospel to the early 60s,[18][19] while other critics date it to the later decades of the 1st century. The verse of trinity, 1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. can be found in all old books (Mark, luke, Matthews etc) of bible. But it can only be found now in testament of John. This verse has been thrown out from other books as a fabrication and as an interpolation. Do you still say bible is Gods word. Then how a human being can change the Gods word? And how many modification may have occured in bible from 2000 years?
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 17:49:47 +0000

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