Is God, or perhaps your god, really as viciously and violently - TopicsExpress


Is God, or perhaps your god, really as viciously and violently angry as most religions portray and present him, her, it or them to be? Are the gods still angry since the days of Greek and Roman mythologies which preceded the NT Christian God by millennia? Just got in from seeing the movie Noah played by Russell Crowe! The name Noah in Hebrew translates quiet, rest, or perhaps resting place, settled down, withdraw or let alone. Noah was a dark and lonely character, as are often the roles Russell plays so well. In some ways, in the movie, perhaps more than the biblical narrative, Noah was a reflection of the personality of the Creator, (As I recall, the term God was not used even once in the film). The subtly confusing and intimidating part of the film was that Noah seemed to reflect the strange and mystical anger, paranoia, unforgiveness and melancholy of the Creator (god) he was desperate to please and appease. Noahs wife and family loved him, but were constantly being sent mixed signals as was the case between Noah and Creator. It was a kind of love hate relationship build on insecurity and severely conditional love. Noahs wife was more of a reflection of the character of Jesus, who basically protects humanity from God or his wrath and violent temper tantrums. It is clear in Noahs scenario, (both the movie and the scriptures) that Gods earth project is already an admitted failure in the 5th chapter of the first of 166 books in the final canon of the Jewish/Christian bible, a book millions consider the inerrant, infallible and only authorized and inspired, Word of God in existence. Give this some thought today and try to see the movie, or if not just reach the story again in Chapters Genesis 5:32-10:1. The flood situation was so bad, God even said hed never use it again, not to mention, that no sooner than Noah came out of the ark, he got drunk and vicious cycle of sin and violence started again. I have much more to say to you about how we view the OT God and the supposedly NT of love and grace. Do we actually view God differently, or are there some severe carry overs? Stay tuned!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 17:49:44 +0000

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