Is God sovereign, or do we have free will? BOTH. He is powerful - TopicsExpress


Is God sovereign, or do we have free will? BOTH. He is powerful over all, yet in his sovereignty, yields us the ability to make our own choices, exercising how great and powerful and confident He truly is. He is not a dictator, forcing those he chooses to do His will. Dictators are fearful of a persons choice, so therefor, give them none. God is so strong, to handle and even use what ever decisions a person makes. I do not believe I am stronger than God...or smarter...or anything. In fact, during Sydneys illness, we prayed in the sovereignty of God...prayed for the desires of our hearts, but always ended, not our will, but Thine be done. We know He has a plan and a purpose, even when we dont understand His ways. God is not afraid of us. He knows and sees all. He calls us into a relationship with Him. He calls and he beckons . We cant come to know Him if He first doesnt call. But he calls ALL, yes ALL. Im not giving it a title or a religious group name or chapter. Im so tired of religion and tired of how complicated some throughout history have tried to make it. I call it a RELATIONSHIP with God....and yes, He longs to have a relationship with ALL...yes ALL. When He calls, and you choose to answer, you enter into a relationship with Him, and being in that relationship will change you. Of course, scripture says you can refuse a relationship with Him, as well, but I pray you listen for that calling...that knocking on your heart...and you answer the call to serve Him. Its really that simple. If someone is genuinely interested in more, feel free to private message me and I will direct you to scripture.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:09:29 +0000

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