Is MH370 in an American base situated at a remote island on the - TopicsExpress


Is MH370 in an American base situated at a remote island on the Indian ocean? The conspiracy theory One of the biggest conspiracy theories circulating the Internet at this time is the theory presented by freelance journalist Jim Stone. According to Stone, an American MH370 passenger, Philip Wood, managed to send out an image and voice activated text, along with GPS coordinates that traced the phone to a location a few kilometres away from Diego Garcia. While the photograph - sent via an iPhone 5 - revealed nothing as it was blank (black), the text claimed that Wood was being held hostage by unknown military personnel. This report sparked speculation that MH370 had landed on the US military base while checks on pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shahs flight simulator fuelled further speculation - experts reportedly found Diego Garcias runway among those Capt Zaharie had used for practice landings.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 03:52:09 +0000

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