Is Putin deranged leader or a belligerent, Russian perfect-fit - TopicsExpress


Is Putin deranged leader or a belligerent, Russian perfect-fit President? As the United States and its European Union nations stay asleep President Putin vowed to rebuild a powerful Russia once again. He said he wants Russia to see the world with balance of power again. The acts done by the United States in recent years to invade Iraq, to brutalize Libya and sanctioning Iran and North Korea are unacceptable. The international community of nations wants to have a fair world not the world of bullies, he said. Assuring Russian army retired generals Putin insisted to revitalize Russia geopolitical and economic virility. This is a very serious business our nation never engaged in memory of past years, Putin said. The army retired generals praised President Vladimir Putin for claiming the annexation of Crimea peninsula. What is on President Putins mind? President Vladimir Putin of Russia believes the economic sanctions which the United States trying to impose on Russia will never work. Since many European Union members depend much on Russias energy they will have a lot of pressure to enforce the sanctions. Germany is one of the EU members depends most on Russias energy. Rebuilding powerful Russia and remaking power balanced world. President Vladimir Putin told the Russian army retired generals, most Russia will make the United States feel the trouble is more pain than sanctions to be worth. The time Obama is done with imposing sanctions on every nation on this planet the United States will have exited the community of nations by itself. When you exclude every nation from international community definitely you dismember yourself from the community, but Obama wouldnt know. Its idyllic we love it said President Putin. Who are Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev? This is a pair of committed Russians who want to make sure that the United States never gain more power and bully other nations as it did since the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1980,s. They vow to better have the world divided. What is their plan on the United States? Well, as the United States struggling to impose economic sanctions, including freezing assets on several nations, Russia is working hard to build opponent block to resist that pressure. Automatically nations like Iran, Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan will be the very first to join Russia to resist the economic pressure pumped by the United States and the European Union. Putin and Medvedev believe most of South American and African countries will join them because of Obamas administration policies. Medvedev made a joke saying while Obama is focusing to deport Africans and Mexicans to their home countries well concentrate to annexation. We started with Crimea.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:47:47 +0000

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