Is the Darwinian theory the creation myth of our - TopicsExpress


Is the Darwinian theory the creation myth of our culture? Darwinian theory is the creation myth of our culture. Its the officially sponsored, government financed creation myth that the public is supported to believe in, and that creates the evolutionary scientists as the priesthood. ... So we have the priesthood of naturalism, which has great cultural authority, and of course has to protect its mystery that gives it that authority--thats why theyre so vicious towards critics (In the Beginning: The Creationist Controversy, PBS documentary, May 30-31, 1995). by Phillip Ryan Johnson As an individual you are judged by how many papers you publish, where you publish them, their quality, and how often they are subsequently cited. But more importantly, publication is part and parcel of the fact that scientists, who tend to live on grant money, are obligated to make their findings and ideas available to others. They will not get their share of funding unless they can show a solid publication record. ... Referee reports are often empty of scientific content and reflect nothing but the authors social standing, or their good or bad relations with the referee. . . . To cap it all, editors can be totally illiterate (Faster than the Spread of Light, 2003, pp. 183, 217, 218). by Joan Margueijo More and more, like the monasteries of the Middle Ages, todays universities and professional societies guard their knowledge. Collusively, the university biology curriculum, the textbook publishers, the National Science Foundation review committees, the Graduate Record examiners, and the various microbiological, evolutionary, and zoological societies map out domains of the known and knowable; they distinguish required from forbidden knowledge, subtly punishing the trespassers with rejection and oblivion; they award the faithful liturgists by granting degrees and dispersing funds and fellowships. Universities and academies ... determine who is permitted to know and just what it is that he or she may know. Biology, botany, zoology, biochemistry, and microbiology departments within U.S. universities determine access to knowledge about life, dispensing it at high prices in peculiar parcels called credit hours. ... If an individual with ambition to study nature rejects neo-Darwinist biology in todays ambience, he becomes a threat to his own means of livelihood (Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan, Slanted Truths: Essays on Gaia, Symbiosis, and Evolution, 1997, pp. 236, 279). Dr. Lynn Margulis and Dr. Dorion Sagan [A] factor that moved me to the creationist side was the underhanded, often totally unethical techniques that evolutionists typically used to suppress dissonant ideas, primarily creationism. Rarely did they carefully and objectively examine the facts, but usually focused on suppression of creationists, denial of their degrees, denial of their tenure, ad hominem attacks, and in general, irrational attacks on their person. In short, their response in general was totally unscientific and one that reeks of intolerance, even hatred (Persuaded by the Evidence, chapter 4). From: Slaughter of the Dissidents (Southworth, WA: Leafcutter Press, 2008), Jerry Bergman (Ph.D. in human biology from Columbia Pacific University and Ph.D. in measurement and evaluation from Wayne State University) Theres good reason to be afraid. Even if youre not fired from your job, you will easily be passed over for promotions. I would strongly advise graduate students who are skeptical of Darwinian theory not to make their views known. ... Doubting Darwinian orthodoxy is comparable to opposing the party line of a Stalinist regime. ... Overzealous critics of intelligent design regard it as their moral duty to keep biology free from intelligent design, even if that means taking extreme measures. Ive known such critics to contact design theorists employers and notify them of the heretics in their midst. Once outed, the design theorists themselves get harassed and harangued with e-mails. Next, the press does a story mentioning their unsavory intelligent design associations. (The day one such story appeared, a close friend and colleague of mine mentioned in the story was dismissed from his research position at a prestigious molecular biology laboratory. He had worked in that lab for ten years. ... Welcome to the inquisition (The Design Revolution, pp. 304, 305).
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 15:13:42 +0000

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