Is there Different Realities ?, Different Universes? How does - TopicsExpress


Is there Different Realities ?, Different Universes? How does the world work? Is there a metaphor meaning to this question ?. The old metaphor of classical physics was the world is like a gigantic clock. Modern physicists today do not have one but several attempts images that allow them to give an explanation with regard to the phenomena occurring in the world of quantum physics. Today we know that our world is not deterministic as the clock operation where cause and effect occur in that order. The different realities that were mentioned here are different models of the world consistent with quantum theory. Okay here some clarification about the meaning of what a model. Physicists studying the quantum world in particular, can not do replicas of cardboard or wood from things that are studying such as a photon, so their models are a combination of mathematical equations and physical insights, which allow them to have some picture of what happens in the quantum world. Some of these models are accurate to the phenomena in question, described in terms of equations that can be processed in a computer to simulate how a system or a quantum entity shall respond to a given stimulus representations. Others are much vaguer, less accurate in the sense that only trying to help the limited human imagination to describe what is happening. One of the most important points that should be noted about the models is that none of them is the truth. Therefore, even though a particular model is very accurate in describing and explaining what is happening in a context; another model, completely different from before, can be equally precise in describing the behavior of the same entity or quantum system under different circumstances, ie in another context. Which of the two represents reality? What is the truth? Both models are equally valid. A classic example of this is the dual wave-particle light. Sometimes the light should be described as a wave because that is how it behaves, and sometimes as a particle. This does not mean that light is actually a wave or a particle, but it is something for which there is no analogy in the everyday world of our senses; It is something that under certain circumstances seems to behave like a wave, and under certain other circumstances, seems to behave like a particle. Another example occurs with the model of the atom. Historically the idea of the atom was developed thinking first indivisible them as small spheres, then advanced the idea of an atom composed of different particles. Using the model of atoms as billiard balls could be made very precise mathematical descriptions of the behavior of gases, for example the relationship between pressure and temperature in a container filled with gas. Later when the Bohr model of the atom with electrons considered small billiard balls in orbit around a nucleus which is like a billiard ball bigger, this served well to explain the origin of developed spectral lines that produce the elements. Later in time, the nature of the bonds or chemical bonds necessary to form different compounds could be explained using the model of electrons as clouds (probability distribution) around the nucleus. Although there is a storyline in developing models, this does not mean that the latter is true and the other not. Physical even today, using the model of the billiard balls to calculate the pressure of the gases, and chemicals used Bohrs model to study the spectrum produced by different elements. Each model is correct in its own area of application, although different models appear to be inconsistent with each other. So the best way to think of the different models that are presented in physics (and in everyday life?), Is considered as different tools for different jobs to do. When we use wrong tools, it is impossible to perform the work; in the same way if we are to explain certain phenomena inappropriate model, little is what can explain or be erroneous conclusions. This explanation is valid in terms of quantum physics, because in reality all the different interpretations lead to different quantum realities, are models. None of them represents the ultimate truth about the quantum world, and probably no way that the human brain can ever comprehend / understand the ultimate truths of the quantum world. All interpretations are simple aid to perceive what is really happening. Nobody knows what the quantum world really is, everything that we know it is. But what I mean by this? As I mentioned an author, if we see a movie with eggs that are about to be opened by the new being born, our picture of reality makes us wait chicks, if instead Viboritas or cocodrilitos arise, we will experience the idea that the reality is not what we imagined according to our past experiences. This is what happened to the physical when they met with quantum phenomena. This world in which we live is not what appears to be outside. But how do we explain ?. Since Kant believed that the appearance of the world was strongly influenced by the human senses and the intellectual apparatus. Other different beings we humans would experience the same world in a radically different way. The facts we call scientists are both the product of human nature of the observer, and the intrinsic reality of fact or phenomenon. We see the world through a human eyeglasses. The man is destined, according to Kant, to know whether directly or through the creation of concepts, only the appearances of the world, of which only the part that has human origin. Kant is an example of pessimism in the investigation of reality. Quantum theory has been universally successful in describing phenomena at all levels accessible by experiments, quantum theory works as a perfect cookbook for anything we want to make in the physical world, however accompanying this precision, there is total disagreement what it means and what kind of reality is sustaining. There are several quantum realities that different physical defended as The actual reality or true underlying the outward appearance. Some of these realities are also contradictory, but all produce the same results with the same experiments. Lets see what that says each of them; are the views of some renowned physicists expressed in the form of eight different realities, representing eight major approaches to what really happens behind the scenes, eight different models: Quantum Reality # 1: The Copenhagen Interpretation Part 1. Represented by Niels Bohr, who says: In the physical world, there is a profound reality Bohr does not deny the evidence of our senses, the world around us is real, but floats in a deeper world that is not real. Some physicists who opposed this interpretation eg Einstein, Bohr said that surely he meant no speculation extend outside the range of the experiments carried out, but there would be some hidden realities and unknown for now with existing technology. But Bohr did not accept this interpretation, but insisted saying: There is no quantum world, there is only an abstract quantum description. Heinserberg, the Christopher Columbus of quantum theory wrote: the hope that new experiments will guide us towards objective facts in time and space has both basis and hope to discover the end of the known world in the unexplored areas of Antarctica. To a metaphor for the position of this reality one, many used the following questions Does the moon exist if not observe? Or rather, if a branch of a tree falls in the forest does it make noise if nobody is listening ?. Ie are there any objective physical realities or they depend on the existence of an external observer ?. Proponents of this quantum reality No. 1 say no, there are no objective realities in the quantum world. Quantum Reality # 2: The Copenhagen Interpretation, Part 2. The reality is created by the act of observing Something like saying things exist only when observed (remember the metaphors of the moon and the branch that falls in the forest) Thus, the interpretation of the Copenhagen school consists of two parts: 1. There is no reality in the absence of observation. 2. The observation creates reality. But then the question of what is an observation arises? Or what are the characteristics that an observation must have to create the reality ?. The answer to these arises with the maximum of physicist John Wheeler, separating the real from the unreal saying No phenomenon is a real phenomenon until it is observed. This belief that reality is created by the observer while it may be common in the field of philosophy, it is not in the field of physics, at least it was not until the advent of quantum physics. Quantum Reality # 3: That says Reality is an indivisible whole The physical world, despite displayed as a collection of parts with boundaries between these constituent parts, is an inseparable and indivisible whole, everything affects everything. Thus, although the observer can create reality, the observer is part of the whole and not separate. Can not keep they say proponents of this concept of reality, a gap in the world between objective reality and we conscious observers; objects and subjects have become inseparable from each other. This non-separability of the quantum world has nothing to do with the systemic idea of the classics where everything was interconnected. For example through field theories; although these interconnections decayed and finally disappeared with the distance between the parties. Distant connections were irrelevant, how it affects the gravitational field of the earth if Im on the moon? What if I am outside the galaxy? This reality of an indivisible whole is different, so do not be related spatially or temporally. It is as if we carried out a bucket of springs, where no matter where we play, affects the whole structure and armed snapshot or quasi instantaneously. This idea of reality is in line with its own holistic view of the east. Quantum Reality # 4: Many worlds, many universes coexist. The reality consists of a large number of parallel universes. For any situation in which there are different possible outcomes (eg throwing a coin), some physical proponents of this idea say that all results occur but in different universes, each universe is same as above except with regard to the result analyzed the situation in question. (weird huh?) Quantum Reality # 5: The different logic. The world obeys a different kind of reasoning we are used to humans and we define as logical. Logic is the backbone of our body of knowledge. For over two thousand years ago logic is based on the mold of syllogisms of Aristotle. If we change the rules of that logic we could then see the new physics or the events it describes as logical within this new logic. It is difficult to understand but, think of something similar has already happened with geometry. For two thousand years the geometry Euclidean there was the science of points and lines. There were some crazy mathematicians like Nicolai Lobachevsky, Gauss and Riemann who created a new geometry, this was seen as a set of higher mathematics, but outside of reality (again observe the reality concept). True Euclidean geometry was that, after all is nothing more than common sense applied to geometric figures. However in 1916, Einstein proposed a new theory of gravity that demolished the Euclidean monopoly. Einstein said that gravity is not a force but a curvature in space-time, an object when it does not fall to be attracted by a force (gravity), but moves in a straight line to the standards of these new geometries. This appreciation of Einstein could be tested experimentally by measuring the deflection of a beam of starlight passing near the deformation of spacetime caused by the sun. The lesson of the supporters of the new quantum logic is as follows: the question of the true geometry, or true logic that rules the world is not fixed by common sense of human beings, but by the actual experiences that can be observed and measure. To determine the rules of right reason, do not look inside our own heads, but in the laboratory. Quantum Reality # 6: Neorealism. The world is composed of ordinary objects, which have attributes whether observed or not. Einstein is the quintessential representative of this reality, disputes with Bohr lasted until his death. As he wrote: I still believe in the possibility of a model of reality; that is, a theory that represents phenomena in themselves and not merely the probability of its occurrence . Quantum Reality # 7: The consciousness creates reality. Proponents of this model, say that only something endowed with consciousness is privileged to create reality. The only observer counts is the conscious observer. Quantum Reality # 8: The duplex Heisenberg world. The world has two parts, the potential, which is in power so it can be; and the realities of the things that happen. Most physicists defend one of the first two quantum realities: the quantum reality 1 (no deeper realities) and 2 (the observation creates reality What both have in common is that only the phenomena are real, but. these phenomena under no reality. But if the observation creates reality, what is this observation based to create reality? From where the created ?. Since quantum theory describes reality I know measured / observed with perfect accuracy, it must contain (quantum theory) some clues from which arise or that the observed phenomena are based. Perhaps using the imagination we can sense the foundation on which our familiar world is sustained, we see every day. According to Heisenberg there was a profound reality, the world is not measured semirreal and only reaches full reality during the act of observation: In experiments on atomic events we deal with things and facts, with phenomena that are as real as any phenomena in daily life. But atoms and elementary particles are not real, they form a world of possibilities, things potentially more than one of things or facts ... The wave of a trend likely means something. It is a quantitative version of the old Aristotelian concept of power. Enter something in the middle between the idea of an event and the realization of the event, a strange kind of physical reality just in the middle between possibility and reality. The everyday world in which we live, has a very specific aspect of which lacks the quantum world events only occur one at a time. Instead the quantum world is not a world of actual events but a world full of action tendencies that are not realized, that do not occur; these trends are constantly on the movement of the possibilities. The two worlds, duplex, which mentions Heisenberg, joined by a bridge we call measurement. During this magic act, one possibility among all existing, is what is concrete and so appears in the world according to the exact laws of motion. But nothing happens all remains in the field of reality as a specific event. Everything that happens then in our world of realities, arises from the existing possibilities in the quantum world powers. The world is not observed a cluster of possibilities each with a probability value of occurrence. An astonishing feature of these eight quantum realities, is that for any conceivable experiment, each of these predicts exactly the same observable results. At present each of these quantum realities can be considered that explains with certainty how the world really is
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:23:36 +0000

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