Is this TRULY THE BEST THAT IOWAs DEMOCRATIC PARTY CAN DO? OLE has not been a supporter of the Hatch candidacy--based in no small part on the fact that the putative liberal is anything but a liberal---but could the Dems not at least make a decent TOKEN RUN at a credible campaign here? 53-38% polling numbers; a 25-1 finance advantage; a largely invisible campaign--Surely this is not the embarrassingly poor campaign that Democrats envisioned a year ago ?? The only good news here is -- the lack of funding and the virtual absence of campaign ads and appearances---at least keeps the Hatch muddled and half-baked agenda/political message off the publics mind--thereby making it somewhat less embarrassing. Worst of all-- it appears that TB has LONG coat tails--and his war chest and hyper campaign are beginning to cost Braley, Apple and other candidates on the Dem side significant support--promising to make November a truly dismal month for Liberals and those Democratic party liberals-if-we-had-a-spine folks who have refused to walk away from the party in protest nor enforce the changes needed to make the Democrats viable again in Iowa. Let us be clear--a little more than a decade ago--Dems, led by Vilsack, were on the rise--they had a registration edge of nearly 20% and had a real prospect of dominating state wide. Then they elected a center-right dumb shit named Culver--and allowed his apparatchiks to drive the party to the DLC middle of the political road--where they have, predictably, become road kill to a resurgent Republican party in Iowa. When you do your review of the inanity that caused you to go from that position to losing an election to Brain-dead by 30+ points in November remember this simple truth: if the democratic party loses the Anti-War Pacifists, the Big City Liberals and the Trade Unions--then they have NOBODY left to vote for them--and they are dead OLE has been raising that truth for 15 years--while the party vilified him and those like him--remember the Dem Party chair who called the activists at CCI out for protesting loudly over the Mortgage debacle led by Tom Miller? Remember the Clintons and their sister solja moment--where DLC democrats cheered as they treated liberals like they were useless morons? Remember Mr. Culver and his I find atheist free-speech troubling comments? THOSE NEO-LIBERAL, CENTRIST PARTY HACKS HAVE LED YOU TO THIS POINT-- ARE YOU NOT YET TIRED OF BEING DRIVEN INTO AN ELECTORAL DITCH BY THOSE WHO DONT REALLY BELIEVE THAT THE PARTY OF FDR AND KENNEDY IS THEIR DEMOCRATIC PARTY? Want to win again Iowa Dems? Step up to the Liberal agenda--and fight for the Poor and the Middle classes; Open the doors to a womans right to be treated equally in the workplace and to make her own reproductive choices; Welcome gay rights/gay marriage/open lives and happy people loving whoever they want; Reject the anti-labor, big money industrialists--and begin promoting trade unions and their right to exist and enforcing the Corporatist obligation to negotiate and deal with those unions in good faith; Reject the Budget Deficit/Austerity economics of the Neo-cons as what it is--a bid to establish a feudal plutocracy in the worlds greatest democracy so as to enslave the masses to feed the greed of the 1%. Or you can continue to nominate half-assed, greedy property developer millionaires who cant articulate a vision that is substantially different from those of their repub opponents--and continue to go down in flames in elections.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:01:59 +0000

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