Islam, someone asked me about myself, and why I am doing what I - TopicsExpress


Islam, someone asked me about myself, and why I am doing what I do, and the honest answer is that I am doing what I was born to do, for example, in 1972, the year that Elijah Muhammad (Robert Poole-Bey) put together the theology of time series, where he went into the SECRET OF THE ORIGIN OF GOD and how he was BORN/MADE IN/BY THE UNIVERSE (HIS WOMB), as a fulfillment of Revelations 10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. which began in June (6th month), and ended in October (10th month, the month I was born in), the same time he was giving these speeches, I was forming in the womb. also the Great Prophet, Noble Drew Ali (asa) told us that MY EVERY WORD IS SPIRIT, and the BOOK OF JOHN tells us IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD (SPIRIT), AND THE WORD (SPIRIT) WAS WITH GOD, AND THE WORD (SPIRIT) WAS GOD, AND THE WORD (SPIRIT) WAS MADE FLESH.... and this word was born under the family name of Saadi-El, taken from the Saadi Dynasty of the Capitol Kingdom (Morocco) of the Moorish Empire over all of North and West Africa. the name Saadi is actually from the root Saad, which basically means fortune, fortunate, rich, wealthy, favor, gifted, blessed, fertile, with abundance, etc., it is from the word saad, that we also get the words sayyid which means a lord or master, and sawad which means very dark, shadow, appearing black, which produces the word aswad (translated today as very dark, very shadowy, very black), to which the Arabians (Arabiyyah) call the Kaabah Stone as the black stone (Hajaru Al-Aswad) as it is also related to the hebrew word Shadiy translated as almighty, as in El-Shadiy (God Almighty) in the king james version of the bible, it is no coincidence that Saadi-El and El-Shadiy are so closely related, or that Shadiy in Hebrew produces the word Shadiyd in Arabic, both meaning powerful, severe, very strong or potent, forceful, etc, Shadiyd is a description of the one that came to Mohammed (asa) with the revelation on the night of power (Laylatu Al-Qadri). it is also no coincidence that I was named Ka which means Spirit in Ancient Egyptian, in fact, the wor Egypt is from the greek word Aigyptos, which is their pronunciation of the Ancient Egyptian word Het-Ka-Ptah, which was originally the name of one place in Egypt, according to one article Ptahs importance may be discerned when one learns that Egypt is a Greek corruption of the phrase Het-Ka-Ptah, or House of the Spirit of Ptah., and we see it in the 42 negative confessions; Hail, Utu-nesert, who comest forth from Het-Ka-Ptah, I have not uttered curses, and also; Hail, Nefer-Tem, who comest forth from Het-Ka-Ptah, I have wronged none, I have done no evil., the place was later called memphis in greek, and we see about MEMPHIS; Memphis (Arabic: Manf pronounced; Greek Memphis) was the ancient capital of Aneb-Hetch, the first nome of Lower Egypt. Its ruins are located near the town of Mit Rahina, 20 km (12 mi) south of Cairo. According to legend related by Manetho, the city was founded by the pharaoh Menes around 3000 BC. Capitol of Egypt during the Old Kingdom, it remained an important city throughout ancient MEditerranean history. It occupied a strategic position at the mouth of the Nile Delta, and was home to feverish activity. Its principal port, Peru-nefer, harboured a high density of workshops, factories, and warehouses that distributed food and merchandise throughout the ancient kingdom. During its golden age, Memphis thrived as a regional centre for commerce, trade, and religion. Memphis was believed to be under the protection of the god Ptah, the patron of craftsmen. Its great temple, Hut-ka-Ptah (meaning Enclosure of the Ka of Ptah), was one of the most prominent structures in the city. The name of this temple, rendered in Greek as Ai-gy-ptos by the historian Manetho, is believed to be the etymological origin of the modern English name Egypt. The history of Memphis is closely linked to that of the country itself. Its eventual downfall is believed to be due to the loss of its economic significance in late antiquity, following the rise of coastal Alexandria. Its religious significance also diminished after the abandonment of the ancient religion following the Edict of Thessalonica. The ruins of the former capital today offer fragmented evidence of its past. They have been preserved, along with the pyramid complex at Giza, as a World Heritage Site since 1979. The site is open to the public as an open-air museum. Memphis has had several names during its history of almost four millennia. Its Ancient Egyptian name was Inbu-Hedj (translated as the white walls). Because of its size, the city also came to be known by various other names that were actually the names of neighbourhoods or districts that enjoyed considerable prominence at one time or another. For example, according to a text of the First Intermediate Period, it was known Djed-Sut (everlasting places), which is the name of the pyramid of Teti. The city was also at one point referred to as Ankh-Tawy (meaning Life of the Two Lands), stressing the strategic position of the city between Upper and Lower Egypt. This name appears to date from the Middle Kingdom (c. 2055–1640 BCE), and is frequently found in ancient Egyptian texts. Some scholars maintain that this name was actually that of the western district of the city that lay between the great Temple of Ptah and the necropolis at Saqqara, an area that contained a sacred tree. At the beginning of the New Kingdom (c. 1550 BCE), the city became known as Men-nefer (meaning enduring and beautiful), which became Menfe in Coptic. The name Memphis is the Greek adaptation of this name, which was originally the name of the pyramid of Pepi I, located west of the city. The Egyptian historian Manetho referred to Memphis as Hut-Ka-Ptah (meaning Enclosure of the Ka of Ptah), which he approximated in Greek as Ai-gy-ptos, from which derives the Latin AEGYPTVS and the modern English name of Egypt. The term Copt is also believed to be etymologically derived from this name. In the Bible, Memphis is called Moph or Noph. notice that the HET is a HOUSE, equal to the Arabic BAYT, and just as it was the HET KA PTAH (Ptah the Egyptian Creator God/principle), we have in Mecca the HOUSE OF ALLAH (BAYTU ALLAH). and the HET was a WHITE WALLED TEMPLE, and the original KAABAH had a WHITE KISRA (CURTAIN), so it appeared WHITE, and not BLACK like it LOOKS today. it is also no coincidence that SHESHNEQ I (they call him SHISHONQ I) the MOORISH (ma/meshwesh) founder of the 22 dynasty of Egypt, called the Moorish/Berber Dynasty by Egyptologists, was under PTAH while in Egypt, and thus as the HIGH PRIEST (as every PHARAOH was) he was repsonsible for the WHITE WALLED TEMPLE/HOUSE that all of EGYPT later became named after. and in the MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE, we have the ADEPT CHAMBER, with its EGYPTIAN ADEPTS (MASTERS OF THE ADEPTS OF EGYPT). all relating back to the CREATION, FALL and RETURNING/RESURRECTING/RISING OF MAN (SPIRIT-MAN = KA) in HKMSTA 1; Time never was when man was not. If life of man at any time began, a time would come when it would end. The thoughts of Allah cannot be circumscribed. No finite mind can comprehend things infinite. All finite things are subject unto change. All finite things will cease to be because there was a time when they were not. The bodies and the souls of men are finite things, and they will change, yea, from the finite point of view the time will come when they will be no more. But man himself is not the body, nor the soul; he is a SPIRIT and a part of Allah. Creative Fate gave to man, to SPIRIT-MAN, a soul that he might function on the plane of soul; gave him a body of the flesh, that he might function on the plane of things made manifest. Why did creative Fate give to SPIRIT-MAN a soul that he might function on the plane of soul? Why did creative Fate give to soul a body of the flesh that he might function on the plane of things that are made manifest? Hear, mow, ye cherubim, ye seraphim, ye angels and ye men! Hear, now, oh protoplast, and earth, and plant and beast! Hear, now, ye creeping things of earth, ye fish that swim, ye birds that fly! Hear, now, ye winds that blow, ye thunders and ye lightnings of the sky! Hear, now, ye spirits of the fire, of water, earth, and air! Hear, now, oh everything that is, or was, or evermore will be, for Wisdom speaks from out of the highest plane of SPIRIT LIFE: Man is a thought of Allah; all thoughts of Allah are infinite; they are not measured up by time, for things that are concerned with time, begin and end. The thoughts of Allah are the everlasting of the past unto the never ending days to come. And so is man, the SPIRIT-MAN. But man like every other thought of Allah, was but a seed, a seed that held within itself the potencies of Allah, just as the seed of any plant of earth holds deep within itself the attributes of every part of that especial plant. So SPIRIT-MAN, as seed of Allah held deep within himself the attributes of every part of God. Now, seed are perfect, yea, as perfect as the source from which they come; but they are not unfolded into life made manifest. The child is as perfect as the mother is. So man, the seed, must be deep planted in a soil that he might grow, unfold, as does the bud unfold to show the flower. The human seed that came forth from the heart of Allah was full ordained to be the Lord of plane of soul, and of the plane of things made manifest. So Allah, the husbandman of every thing that is, threw forth this human seed into the soil of soul; it grew apace, and man became a living soul; and he became the Lord of all the kingdom of the soul. Hark, now, let every creature hear, the plane of soul is but the ether of the spirit plane vibrating not so fast, and in the slower rhythm of this plane the essences of life are manifest; the perfumes and the odors, the true sensations and the all of love are manifest. And these soul attributes become a body beautiful. A multitude of lessons man must learn upon the plane of soul; and here he tarries many ages until his lessons are all learned. Upon the boundary of the plane of soul, the ether began to vibrate slower still and then the essences took on a final garb; the perfumes and the odors and the true sensations and the all of love were clothed in flesh; and man was clothed in flesh. Perfected man must pass through all the ways of life, and so a carnal nature was full manifest, a nature that sprang forth from fleshly things. Without a foe a soldier never knows his strength, and thought must be developed by the exercise of strength. And so this carnal nature soon became a foe that man must fight, that he might be the strength of Allah made manifest. Let every living thing stand still and hear! Man is the Lord of all the plane of manifest, of protoplast, of mineral, of plant, of beast, but he gave up his birthrights, just to gratify his lower self. But man will regain his lost estate, his heritage; but he must do it in a conflict that cannot be told in words. Yea, he must suffer trials and temptations manifold; but let him know that cherubim and seraphim that rule the stations of the sun and SPIRIT OF THE MIGHTY ALLAH who rule the solar stars are his protectors and his guide, and they will lead to victory. Man will be fully saved, redeemed, perfected by the things he suffers on the plane of flesh, and on the plane of soul. When man has conquered carnal things his garb of flesh will then have served its purpose well and it will fall; will be no more. Then he will stand untrammeled on the plane of soul where he must full complete his victories. Unnumbered foes will stand before man upon the plane of soul; these he must overcome, yea, overcome them every one. Thus hope will ever be his beacon light; there is no failure for the human soul, for Allah is leading on and victory is sure. Man cannot die; the SPIRIT-MAN is one with Allah, and while Allah lives man cannot die. When man has conquered every foe upon the plane of soul the seed will have full opened out, will have unfolded in the Holy Breath. The garb of soul will then have served its purpose well, and man will need it never more, and it will pass and be no more and man will then attain unto the blessedness of perfectness and be at one with Allah., and the HOUSE (HET/BAYT) is the TEMPLE OF PERFECT[ED] MAN, whom is the LORD (SAYYID/SAAD/SAWAD/ASWAD/SAADI) of SOUL AND MANIFEST, the SPIRIT (KA) of the [AL]MIGHTY [GOD] ALLAH (swt)!!! the TEMPLE OF PERFECT MAN is symbolized by the KAABAH (K-A-B-H) itself, notice what it begins with under all of its spellings seen in America, KAABAH, KABAH, KABA, etc., anyway... this is some of the facts of my birth, just something to think about, indeed....
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 10:19:58 +0000

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