Israel attacks the USA.... tries to sink communications ship in - TopicsExpress


Israel attacks the USA.... tries to sink communications ship in International waters 34 killed many wounded The Navy Board of Inquiry concluded that the Liberty had been hit by over 800 30mm cannon rounds, rockets, a torpedo, and napalm bombs over the course of about 2 hours. As American sailors lowered lifeboats to evacuate the most seriously wounded, Israeli patrol boats pulled up and at close range machine-gunned the lifeboats. The attack commenced at 1:58 pm on June 8th, 1967 with Israeli Mirage Jets methodically destroying the ships four .50 caliber machine guns and signal antennae so it could neither defend itself nor call for help. Over the course of the sustained attack, the ship was strafed, rocketed, and napalmed. Israeli patrol boats then approached to ship to launch torpedoes in an attempt to make her sink. The Liberty sailors fought fires and ship damage while wounded and tending to the most severely wounded. The heroism of the crew was commended by the Navy as the sole reason the ship did not sink. According to Admiral Moorer and students of the Liberty incident, the Israeli plan was for the ship to sink and to leave no survivors so the attack could be blamed on Egypt, which would have forced the US to retaliate and enter the Six Day War on the Israeli side. digitaljournal/news/world/tape-released-prove-israel-s-attack-on-usaliberty-was-deliberate/article/412229
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 21:55:23 +0000

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