It amazes me how much time we can devote to stuff that doesnt - TopicsExpress


It amazes me how much time we can devote to stuff that doesnt matter. I love social media and God certainly uses it for His glory but clearly we have westernized Jesus to the point where to a lot of men its not manly to love and live for Christ. I know people who can tell you every stat on every player of their favorite team, they (men and women) can obsess over their hobbies. Hours that are wasted in front of the television...and theres nothing wrong with tv but how much of it really builds up and leads to holiness? All the technology that leads to lethargy among men and women and all of the Christians that look no different than the average lost person...and at the end of the day, for what?!?!? I know first hand what it is to wig out in sin or get off track but it scares me to death to think of where I was headed and could be headed without fixing my gaze on Christ. So many homes are in shambles and its because people arent living out their life before Christ. There are tons of great leaders that are men and women but for the majority men are passive and Im not bashing its an observation and arent growing or leading and have nothing to pour into their family because of passivity. And we can know all about cars, hobbies and guns and as Christians the only bread of His word we can quote is Jesus wept or John 3:16. So many women think its their job to change their man and its not working. So little integrity with the whole lot of us. Hardly anyone being authentic with each other or accountable and then we all act shocked when so and so seemingly goes off the deep end and leaves their family yet we never really made it past the flipping chit chat of the weather and football. So many are living in the dark and so many professing Jesus dont have the spiritual balls to ever call each other into account. And why? Well, yes Id say its not politically correct, and its not easy, but is it really because we are afraid maybe because we are living in the same shadows. We arent accountable because we arent living right and then all of our sin affects each other in this big fat masquerade ball? This life is short and its not a game. Its a battle and we care more about what others think then what God does? Im guilty. Its not working and we are pointing fingers and making excuses and letting each other off the hook not caring about the state of our own soul or the others around us. So to me it begs the question? How many of us are saying we are believers but His word has no place in our life? We are called to follow Him. Thats what it means to be His disciple. We are called to know Him and worship Him with our lives yet we cant have reverence or worship the God of the bible when we cant put down our remotes or our stinking phones and laptops. We are missing it and all at a time when the bride is supposed to make herself ready for His return. We are compromising left and right and for temporal pleasures. Weve got to individually go face down and face up to our own bullcrap before a Holy and all knowing righteous God and Judge. Hes more concerned about our hearts and minds then how things appear to bob next door. We have misplaced our worship and indeed I wonder if so many have indeed even tasted? Once you have you should be miserable staying in habitual sin. Where is the conviction? We are hardening our hearts and I say all of this in love and wont defend my post either. His word calls us to be set apart and how many of us are just chameleon Christians or 911 seekers? Let me clear this up: Im not talking about rod either. Im talking about countless people whose lives are breaking up and who are wreaking havoc on themselves because they cant see that an unseen battle is being waged and that their is a real enemy not just the one in the action movies!!!!! An enemy that wants to master you and have you and ruin your witness and ruin your testimony and gloat over you and bring reproach on the name of Christ. If we dont treat our vessels as holy we sure cant worship what/who is worthy. We cant wait either as women for a man to lead us. We must seek Him and we will find Him and seek Him no matter who doesnt seek Him with us. Life is not all about the here and now. Who will start caring? Who will have some convictions that are based on truth and stop comparing themselves to others and look to Jesus? Its a lonely costly and painful road at times but this is not our home. We are missing it, hardening our hearts, living on the surface and we can fool others but we will not trifle with or fool the ONE true God. He stands so ready to forgive and redeem and bind up but He calls us to wake up and arise from the dead. He is the most manly image Ive ever seen and Im sick of the division in my own heart and Im sick of seeing the choices of compromise and all of the pride we want to call respect. Its nauseating!!! So no matter where you are, would you please not harden your heart? Would you please humble yourself and acknowledge that you cant do anything apart from Him. You dont even have the will to seek Him apart from His Spirit. Ask Him for it! Ask Him for a love that burns and consumes you. Ask Him for a love of what He loves and a holy hatred for what He hates. We have one spin here. And let us taste of Him and know that He is life and He is good and that there are NONE like Him! I wont apologize for Him either as to how the western civilization has watered His word down and used carnal methods to attract the lost. His word is offensive and yet its the most loving thing I know.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 22:43:00 +0000

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