It doesnt matter what people think of you. What matters is how you - TopicsExpress


It doesnt matter what people think of you. What matters is how you think of yourself. All to often, people are so consumed by fitting it, they forget that they were born to stand out! As you embrace your inner-self, you understand that nothing has control over you, unless you want it, too. Everything that once came in confusion, becomes clear because you have taken the time to gain the experience necessary to move ahead. In fact, you are in a period of renewal, of adjustments, so do not be afraid of new initiatives, because they will surely make you progress (or evolve). Everybody has a life path that is secular to them. No one is above or beneath. Its okay to speak what you feel, its called a discussion.:) My point is, you are valid and are part of something so much bigger than is fully understood. Your path is clear for you to know yourself better and better, take the opportunity, despite any doubts that may cloud your mind. Doubt will turn into truth, truth will set you free. :)
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:06:39 +0000

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