It happened again! Let me know if you are near Montreal and want a - TopicsExpress


It happened again! Let me know if you are near Montreal and want a bunny.One night, as I was leaving the room, I checked the gate visually but didnt touch it. I actually told myself, Its closed, stop being so neurotic. Too bad I didnt let myself be neurotic because it turned out the gate was not latched right and here is the result. The male is now fixed, but this happened just before. I promise to always be neurotic from now on. This is actually a drag because I love bunnies so much and really bonded with some of the last litter and I hate to have these animals come into my life and then have to give them away and only hope they find good homes. They have been very pampered and have known nothing but love and trust at my place and I only want the best for them. If you are wondering how this happened in the first place, we were sold what we were told were two females. The female got pregnant at 5 months, before she was even old enough to be spayed. Then she got pregnant by this mishap just before I got the male neutered. She will be spayed as soon as possible. The risk of uterine cancer in unspayed females is up to 80%. At two years, its 4%. She will be spayed well before that.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 16:41:17 +0000

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