It happened in the nation of Yemen in early June, 2014 — - TopicsExpress


It happened in the nation of Yemen in early June, 2014 — terrorists knocked out power to the entire country of 23 million people. Forbes reported: The country’s energy minister indicated that power lines were taken out, cutting power to all provinces. A ministry spokesman was quoted as saying “The act of sabotage at Kilometre 78 suspended the entire national power and energy grid, including at Marib’s gas plant, and cut power in all provinces.” It’s a terror tactic that’s been effective not just in the violence-torn Middle East: Nobody much likes to think about these things, but the threats are indeed real in Yemen and elsewhere. Last October, the Knights Templar – a breakaway group from Mexico’s Michoacan drug cartel – took out the power grid in Michoacan state, attacking nine substations and leaving over 400,000 without electricity. And now, with the Islamic State reportedly trying to recruit terror operatives just across our southern border (click here to see our recent post), one terrorism expert — an ex-CIA officer — is warning of an “imminent threat” to the U.S. electric grid. From wnd: Dr. Peter Pry, a former CIA officer, is executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, both congressional advisory boards. He also served on the Congressional EMP Commission, the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission, and the House Armed Services Committee. “There is an imminent threat from ISIS to the national electric grid and not just to a single U.S. city,” said Pry. Pry was speaking on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” on New York’s AM 970 The Answer. Outlining the threat, Pry recalled a leaked U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission report divulged this past March that coordinated terrorist attacks on just nine of the nation’s 55,000 electrical power substations could provoke coast-to-coast blackouts for up to 18 months. Such an attack would mirror the devastating impact of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack without the need for any nuclear device or delivery system. Citing that leaked government study, the Wall Street Journal described the method and the effect of such a life-altering attack in an article published in March of this year: The study by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission concluded that coordinated attacks in each of the nation’s three separate electric systems could cause the entire power network to collapse, people familiar with the research said. The U.S. could suffer a coast-to-coast blackout if saboteurs knocked out nine of the country’s electric-transmission substations on a summer day, according to a previously unreported federal analysis. National War College Professor Dr. Richard Andres discusses. A small number of the country’s substations play an outsize role in keeping power flowing across large regions. The FERC analysis indicates that knocking out nine of those key substations could plunge the country into darkness for weeks, if not months. In the wnd article, former CIA operative Dr. Peter Pry argues it wouldnt take long for the well financed, heavily resourced ISIS to put together a terror team to carry out a devastating attack on the nation’s vulnerable power infrastructure: “…they can hire these criminal gangs that are south of our porous border. Or criminal gangs that are already present here.” “We also have Muslim terror cells already in this country that would be willing to do anything for money and it’s very easy to attack the electrical grid,” he added. Read more at westernjournalism/warning-any-day-now-isis-could-cripple-america-with-devastating-nationwide-attack-on-this/#UUEq7SYpmW8QIkXx.99
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 19:54:02 +0000

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