It has been few days now that i had not continued my testimony - TopicsExpress


It has been few days now that i had not continued my testimony form the last time I i continue May the Lord strengthen me.for people how are new to our page please read from below, for your memory i have pasted a small recap below RECAP- My father came the next day and i was very surprised to see that he had no anger in him for Sam, in fact he was very sweet and tried to convince us to get back with each other.I agreed to it and thought of giving it a try. That night when we went out for dinner Akhil called me saying that he had got used to me but i told him that i will agree to what my father says and i will give it a try with Sam. This was not the end there as more to come and whenever the devil saw me that i feel little happy he tried to ruin my life more. I tried my level best to give it one more try but i came to know that i was Pregnant with Akhils child, I didnt know what to do and where to go so i took a bold step of keeping it thinking i dont want to loose this child, Sam had no interest in me and we tried ur best but i couldnt see anything improving.he helped me to get a Delhi ticket so i can go to Delhi and start my life here. I had a friend there and i thought of leaving with the baby and try to earn and give birth to this child.I even told Akhil about it but as he was young and had no job i told him that i will take care of the baby by my own. With this thought i left for Delhi, I dont know what happened to Akhil but he started disturbing me and asking me why am I leaving? that he will take care of everything. I even let him a message which was read by his Mom and she called me to ask me what did i even see i his son that i fell for him as i was so matured and in fact 3 years elder to him, I thought in my mind that i actually loved him....I did not know i guess what love was and i still cant understand what happened to me, Because now as i sit here writing about this guy i dont even remember how he looked like. Akhil kept on convincing me to come back and that he will take care of everything and that when i come back i should stay with SAM and that i should lie separately in a PG or something and that he will get a job and then support me and as soon as i reach back he will marry me, I found truth n his statements and so i went back.Sam tried to stop me but i did not agree he also told me whatever he did was not good by this guy is worse and he cant take care of me. I took my next flight and went back to him, he picked me up and kept me in a PG, that same night he took me out and he drank too much and i dont know form where he started abusing me and calling me names that i am already rejected by a man before that i am characterless, I left him and ran back to the PG thinking that he might beat me, he followed me and i had to go back to he PG there he came down and started shouting, i was thrown out of that house around 12:00am at night, in tis shape i didnt where to go so i had to spend the night in the hotel, the next day i called him up and asked him that why did he even call me an that my life was already so complex-ed and why did i even listen to him.I know how i passed that night alone in that hotel. he again begged in front of me and came to the hotel, instead of talking about the baby he started drinking and we had to go and sell my jewellery so we can eat, i went to get another PG, a very depressing one. The next day came and he took me to a near Aryasamaj temple and married me, i cant even remember the details properly because i know it was not me who was doing it.I was very happy an thought that may be after few struggles all will be well and i thought in my mind may be he doesnt have anything but still he is serious that is why he married me...oh i was so blind why? The next night we thought of meeting at night and we met it was around 12 :00 am at night and we started talking, we were in front of his house and he was drinking he again fought with me but this time what happened with me was beyond my imagination, he kicked me again and again in my stomach badly and i had to run still he kept kicking me at my back calling me names, that night i ran on the road and there was no one to save me.I had no choice but t knock Sams house he saw me in this shape and asked me to come in...later that night Akhil may be realized and got a knife with his father to sams house but Sam told him that he will call the police if he doesnt leave. I was blank an didnt know what to do?i was beaten with a child so badly that i couldnt walk.Sam consoled me and in my heart i thought that this man promised me in our marriage that he will but today i am in this situation running around is because of him, then i thought o my parents that they gave birth to me and promised me that they will take care of me all their lives, i thought about my sister who was never there in fact believed in fake talks of Sam. Where were all those idols and those poojas that i had done and those fasting i had kept, the truth was that there was no God in them but i still followed them and they never spoke back to me.I laugh now as now my god talks to me My Jesus talks to me. The next day we had to go to the Gynac to meet her and she said that my shape is bad and i had to abort the child, she gave me pills so i took them and in few hours i experienced beyond imagination, i became like a rock thinking lets what worse can come in my life as there is no happiness anyways. 2 CORINTHIANS chapter 4 verse 7 onwards says 7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. I was struck down but not destroyed,persecuted but not Abandoned.Today I understand why God kept me alive so i can see the true God, The true Light of Jesus, so Jesus may be revealed in my Body. Today my Body is a temple of Christ and i have an eternal life, that no one can buy on this earth. I Thank God for all he has done in My Life. No Jesus No life. I will continue more in my next chapter.May the spirit the Lord show you the right direction as you read this TESTIMONY.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 19:30:33 +0000

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