It has many names all over India. Whether it’s called Pongal - TopicsExpress


It has many names all over India. Whether it’s called Pongal or Sankranti…It is a kind of family festival. But the whole world is one family (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam). The festival relates to the entire world. It is not confined to ones kith and kin. Pongal is related to the entire mankind. Whether people realize it or not, Pongal promotes a feeling of happiness in one and all. In the Dwapara Yuga (the previous era), the cowherds and cowherdesses used to experience boundless joy in Krishnas presence, forgetting themselves in their devotion to the Lord. On Pongal Day, they used to employ cow dung as a sacred means of cleansing purposes. They demonstrated also the inner significance of the Pongal celebration. They placed three balls of cow dung in front of their houses, fixing three pumpkin flowers on their top, and went round singing and dancing in adoration of Krishna. What is the significance of these three balls of cow dung? In olden days, people used to sprinkle water mixed with cow dung in front of their houses. The cow dung helped to destroy the bacteria in the atmosphere. The cow dung was considered a symbol of health and happiness. The first cow dung ball represented Krishna, who was worshipped as Gopala (the protector of cows). Krishna was adored as the bestower of joy and health. The second cow dung ball was placed as a symbol of the Govardhana Hill, which Krishna lifted and thereby demonstrated his divinity. The third cow dung ball symbolised the cow, which, as the giver of milk, is the source of health and joy for the people. Gopala, Govardhana, and Go (the cow) were worshipped in this manner. Among vegetables the pumpkin has a place of honour as the largest in size. The cowherd maids (gopikas) looked upon the pumpkin as a symbol of large heartedness. Hence, pumpkins were offered as fitting gifts on Pongal Day. What is the gain from this offering? The pumpkin does not rot quickly. It can be preserved for a long period. Any number of edible preparations can be made from it. It can also be used in combination with many other vegetables. Because of its distinct qualities, the offer of a pumpkin also meant making an offer of ones virtues. The Pongal festival should be regarded as the day on which man turns his vision toward God. Mans life may be compared to a stalk of sugar cane. Like the cane, which is hard and has many knots, life is full of difficulties. But these difficulties have to be overcome to enjoy the bliss of the Divine, just as the sugar cane has to be crushed and its juice converted into jaggery to enjoy the permanent sweetness of jaggery. Enduring bliss can be obtained only by overcoming trials and tribulations. Gold cannot be made into an attractive jewel without subjecting to the process of melting in a crucible and beating it into the required shape. Do you want to keep up the tradition. Let us help us...9884814353
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 16:35:31 +0000

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