It is a Mans duty to Love and Respect his wife Unconditionally as - TopicsExpress


It is a Mans duty to Love and Respect his wife Unconditionally as Christ loves the Church. On the other hand, its in a Womans place to Respect and be Submissive to her Husband.......but all things being equal, Love and Submission/Respect goes hand in hand and should be reciprocated because its a two way street. Mr Man, do not be lazy, even the Bible acknowledges the fact that a Man who cant fend for his Family is worse than an Infidel. Some Men often cant help feeling Inferior when they have a wife who supercedes them in all ramifications of life....smh. Mr Man you must steer clear of inferiority complex or else, you will be consumed by it as you would think youre competing with your wife. There is no competition anywhere as you both are one entity. Sadly:;Many men have truncated the destiny of their wives because of their own inferiority complex. Stop it! If you have an Independent woman for a wife, proudly Celebrate and Appreciate her. Always be the Man of the house by taking care of your responsibilities which aint just material but also Emotional, Spiritual and Psychological. Assist your wife with the kids and lead them in the right path by putting God first in all your Family does. Its not in your place to engage your wife in an exchange of harsh words, its the worst mistake you can ever make because if you do, she will win you with a flawless victory. Sometimes silence doesnt mean youre too dumb, scared, or weak to talk/act. Somethings are better left unsaid and some people best left ignored...(Aint worth the stress) be a man of very few potenent words but never you sheck your responsibilities. . . . .whenever youre tempted to hit your wife, simply look at her as your biological Daughter and ask yourself how you will feel if any man hits your Daughter for the same reason youre about hitting your wife. You shouldnt hit your wife no matter what happens. You can always pickup your shirt or car key and leave the house for a while, only to return when youre much calm. Just treat your wife in the same manner youd love for your biological Daughter to be treated by another man. Above all, understand that your wife is a better extension of yourself so treat her like your Queen because you are her King. Be morally, financially, spiritually and emotionally supportive to your Family. Do this and see your wife not only worship the very ground on which you walk but also fearlessly move mountains for you. However, treat her like trash and see her move mountains for you and drop those mountains on your head. Once you are able to make your Family Happy, i bet you God wont relent in making you Happy.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 15:07:11 +0000

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