It is easy to serve God behind our computers....typing catchy - TopicsExpress


It is easy to serve God behind our computers....typing catchy statues and rhyming prophetic words...Or in the comfort of our churches...leading praise and worship...or preaching to hundreds...or saying thou says the Lord and the audience cheers you on....or taking pictures in fancy cars and planes then posting it here on Facebook....But how about When God calls us to places where the mention of the name Jesus no one bows but looks at you and puts a machete to your neck...or God calls you to a place where there is no running water or food to eat....or to a place where they dont understand the term honorarium.....Will we go or stay in our little Box because thats all we know......We sometimes preach to the same people....worship with the same people and think everything is okay because we are busy doing Godly things.....But when was the last time we (including myself) have asked God WHAT DO YOU ACTUALLY WANT ME TO DO WHAT HAVE YOU CALLED ME TO DO......This Generation has mistaken numbers & material acquisition For Gods Approval of their ministry and life.... Lets Slow Down, take an inventory and see ARE WE REALLY PLEASING GOD OR ARE WE PLEASING THE APPETITE OF MAN. FOR ON JUDGEMENT DAY IT WILL BE GOD WHO WILL JUDGE US NOT THE PEOPLE WE PREACHED TO... #impreachingtomyself...
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 22:53:49 +0000

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