It is great to see so many in Spain protesting against the new - TopicsExpress


It is great to see so many in Spain protesting against the new laws to stop them ever protesting again. Of course it is deeply disturbing to be witnessing the introduction of such laws but in this era of commercial totalitarianism unfortunately it is not surprising. Wind the clock forward and one imagines a re-introduction of a Stasi-like secret police who watch and monitor you, although in this era of online communication, theyll just read all your emails, listen to your phone calls and read all your online posts... oh hang on, they do that already. Of course its OK for banks to protest, or media companies, or energy companies. But thats not called protesting, its called lobbying, and thats totally legal. Its also totally legal to give as much money as you want to a political party in exchange for a seat at the policy making table, perhaps in the Lords or on a committee somewhere that quietly, or not so quietly, blames hunger on an inability to cook when its actually down to an inability to pay the gas or electricity bill. Its interesting that, as I am sure you are aware, on many occasions some antiquated and naive Thatcher disciple will blame all the worlds ills on unions. I immediately think of macro-economic factors and many many other dynamics associated with the 21st Century earth, however no! its all about the unions. It is of course lost on them that they are also part of a union, a socio-political tribe with very deep pockets and a very clear agenda, and one who is only to happy to see the voice of the common people silenced who they feel should be ruled over and thankful. And of course this union protests all the time but only in the corridors of power where deals are brokered and favourable policy agreed. They tend not to be made illegal, photographed by police, given a criminal record, or threatened with arrest. You know who they are, we know who they are, they know who they are, and over xmas theyll be working on how they can bring in laws and police powers to prevent, limit, intimidate and silence protesters here in the UK. Oh hang on.....
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 13:01:31 +0000

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